Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Mikey's POV:

So here I am strapped to a metal bed as I wait for something to happen. Dr. Val left over 15 minutes ago. Of course I'm not alone. A girl name Linda is sitting in a chair next to me playing a hand held video game. I got bored so I'm watching her. By what it looks like she is playing Pokémon. I see her smirk as she defeats a Pigey with her Squirtle.

"My Squirtle is unbeatable" she says quietly to her game.

"Not against my Pikachu he isn't" I say making her look up at me in shock.

"You play Pokémon?!"

"Well duh! What else would I play that isn't Mario?"

"Whoa!" Linda says smiling. "My favorite Pokémon is Wooper! They are so cute!"

"They are pretty cute but I prefer Eevee. Why? Because it can be any type it wants to be! That's pretty awesome right?"

"Yes but if you evolve you can never go back to that Eevee again"

"It's called catching more of them. Or breeding them. By the way, do understand this Pokémon breeding? Cause I don't get it."

"Me neither. I mean how do they do it?" I smile at Linda

"So what is a nice, interesting girl like yourself working for a scum bag like Dr. Val?" I ask her, looking at her straight in the eyes.

"She is my step mother" Linda admitted looking a little upset.

"Step mother? Like from Cinderella? What happen to your real mother?"

"She died in a car accident when I was nine" Linda says sadly. I notice her eyes getting glassy.

"I'm so sorry. Please don't cry" I say feeling sadden by the fact I just upset my new friend. She whips her eyes with arm and sniffles.

"Don't worry about it"

"So... What about your dad?" she blinks a few times as if not understanding what I am saying.

"I don't know" she says after a while.

"Oh sorry to hear that"

"So what is your name?" Linda asks with a smile on her face. I feel my spirit get lifted.

"I'm Michelangelo! But everyone calls me Mikey" I say smiling back at her.

"It's nice to have a name for that green, freckled face of yours" Linda laughs. "What's up with the orange mask anyways?"

"I'm a ninja!" I announce loudly.

"Yeah and I'm the princess of Mars" Linda says sarcastically, rolling her eyes.

"No. I really am!" I exclaim, furrowing my eye ridges together.

"Anyways! So Mikey, do you have any brothers or sisters?"

"Yeah. I have three brothers"

"Are they all turtles?"

"Uh huh!"

"Are they all ninjas?"


"How old are they?"

"Well, we all are 15 but Leo is the oldest, Raph is the second oldest, Donnie is the third oldest, and I'm the youngest" I explain.

"So you are the baby?" Linda asks with a smirk.

"No! I am not the baby! I'm only a few months younger than my brothers" I pout.

"Okay! Okay! Don't get all pouty on me" Linda laughs.

"You're mean"

"I am not"

"Am too!"

"Am not!"

"Am too!"

"Am not"

"Am too!"

"Am not!"

"Am not!"

"Am too!"

"Ha! I just made you say you are mean" I laugh at her.

"You act like a toddler!"

"Well so do you!"

"Do not!"

"Do too"

"Do not!"

"Do too"

"Do not!"

"Do too-" I am cut off as the metal doors open again followed by Dr. Val's footsteps. I can't help but groan. Not her again. I hear two other pair of footsteps following behind Dr. Val's loud ones. I look over a Linda who looks nervous and scared but soon her face lightens up with a small shy smile. I raise an eye ridge at her confusingly as Dr. Val approaches me.

"Alright, Turtle. Let's go" I feel the straps on my feet and hands loosen. I don't even have time to think before I am grabbed and jerked roughly back. "Take him out of my sight and put him in the dungeon with the other" Dr. Val demands waving her hand towards the door.

"Dr. Val, please don't do this. He is just a kid. He didn't do anything wrong" I hear Linda plead as I get dragged out. I don't get to hear the rest of it because the door slams shut behind me.

"You must be the great Michelangelo that I have heard so much about" I turn my head and look up at the man holding me.

"Why are you wearing sunglasses in a building?"

"Cuz they make me look cool"

"I think it makes you look stupid" I snort.

"Raphael told me you would say something like that"

"Raph?!" I shout ripping myself out of his grip. "What have you done to my big brother?!" I growl

"Nothing! I swear!" the boy says putting his hands up in defense. I calm down when I see he is being truthful. "I'm going to take you to him" I feel my heart flutter.

I get to see Raph again. My Raph. Oh I hope he is alright.

"Don't worry about his injury. I gave him some of that healing herb you gave me before the men I was with beat you up. Sorry about that by the way" The boy apologizes.

"It's alright. Things happen. It's not your fault those men smell like an onion gave birth to a pile of dirty socks" The boy laughs

"Your brother told me you were very forgiving and funny"

I blink "Are we talking about the same Raph?"

"Um... we are talking about the turtle with a red mask, right?" I nod my head "Than yes we are"

"That's no way. Raph doesn't think I'm funny. He thinks I'm annoying" I say feeling really confused. The boy shrugs.

"Well that's what he told me. He told me you were forgiving and funny. Shall we go to your brother?" I smile and nod my head

"Please" the boy smiles.

"Raph missed you very much"

"I missed him too"


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