Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Mikey's POV:

I woke up the next morning. Or at least I think it is morning. There are no windows down here in the cell. Anyways I woke up the next morning with a yawn. I had the most amazing dream. I dreamt that Raph kissed me and told me he loved me. I try to move but I can't. I see arms wrapped around my body. My eyes travel to the owner of these hands to find Raph still sleeping. Realization hits me. That wasn't a dream! All of that really happen! I feel Raph's grip tighten around me. "Raph?" I call out softly to him. I see Raph slowly blink his eyes open. He stares at me for a while with daze green eyes before he snaps out of his sleep mode and into reality.

"Hey, Mikey" he says with a small smile on his face. My face heats up.

"Um- morning Raph" I say quietly. For some reason I feel shy.

"Is something wrong, Mike?" Raph's voice is full of concern.

"Uh- yeah. Of course. Why wouldn't it be?" Raph leans up and kisses my lips quickly. When he pulls away he is smirking.

"I- uh- you- um- what?!" I stammer completely shock. Raph's smirk melted away and he frowns.

"You don't remember do you?"

"I thought it was a dream" Raph shakes his head sadly. I feel guilty. When he looks back up at him I smash my lips against him.

"Oomph" Raph makes a sound as my lips collide with his. I soften my kiss as I feel Raph kiss me back. I feel like I'm walking on clouds. Or like I'm dancing with a butterfly. The kiss is so tender and soft. I tilt my head making the kiss deeper. Raph is an amazing kisser. His lips are better than pizza. If I had to choose between pizza and Raph. I would choose Raph. Well maybe not immanently. It depends on the topping. I feel Raph's hands snake around my waist, pulling me closer into his chest. I pull away from Raph to receive a moan on dislike. I look at Raph who doesn't look to happy about me breaking the kiss.

"Do you forgive me?" I ask, fluttering my eyes. Raph smirks as he leans up and whispers into my ear.

"You taste like strawberries" I feel my face burst into flames. Okay not really but it feels like it did. I gulp as he pulls away chuckling at me.

"Don't laugh at me!" I scold him, playfully, scowling at him.

"And why not?" Raph asks amusingly, smirking and raising an eye brow at me.

"Cuz it's mean" I pout.

"It's cute when you pout, Mike" my cheeks get warmer. I scowl and stick my tongue out at him, squeezing me eyes shut.

Raph's POV:

I stare hypnotized at Mikey's pink tongue. My mouth begins to water. I lean in and wrap my lips around his tongue, pulling it into my mouth. The sweet taste of his wet tongue swirls around my mouth. I see Mikey's eyes shoot open just to close again as my own eyes close. Mikey leans into me as his hands rest on my chest. After a few minutes Mikey pulls away to my disliking. I stare into his deep baby blue eyes. My attention is ripped from Mikey as I hear the dungeon door open followed by footsteps. I immediately hug Mikey close to my chest. My arms wrap around his shell protectively. I hear the footsteps stop right in front of our cell and I growl at the shadowed figure.

"Easy, Turtle. I don't mean any harm" a female voice says.

"Linda?!" Mikey calls out, wiggling out of my arms and running to the bars of the cell. I stand up and stalk towards Mikey. I'm ready to attack if this Linda does anything to hurt my Mikey.

Mikey's POV:

"Linda! What happen?!" I say, my voice full of concern as I look at Linda's black eye.

"Oh uh nothing. It doesn't hurt" she says her hand traveling up to her eye. As soon as she touches it she flinches.

"Did Dr. Val do that to you?" I growl. No one hurts my friends and gets away with it.

"Who is Dr. Val?" Raph asks behind me. Raph places a hand behind me on my butt making me jump in surprise. I turn my head towards him to see Raph's emerald green eyes staring intently at me. I gulp.

"Dr. Val is the boss of this place" I explain before turning my attention back to Linda but still talking to Raph.

"She is also Linda's evil step mom" Linda nods sadly.

"Oh" Raph says.

"I'm so sorry about what happen Mikey. I hope Erik wasn't too rough with you" Linda says as she grips the bars of the cell.

"Not to worry that pretty little head of yours" I say receiving a low growl from Raph, I ignore him and continue. "Erik is a friend of Raph so he didn't hurt me at all"

"Oh that's good. Erik can be a real sweetheart" Linda says dreamily. She shakes her head as her cheeks get pinkish. "Uh I mean I'm glad he didn't hurt you"

"You have a crush on Erik don't you?" I tease her with a smirk. Her cheeks get a deeper shade of pink.

"N-no I d-don't! D-don't-t be s-silly" Linda stammers pulling down her shirt. I laugh at her face making her scowl at me.

"What a cute face you are making" Raph lets out a low growl again. I turn and look at him confusingly. "What? It is."

"Shut up, Mikey" Linda shouts louder than she wanted too because she slaps her hands over her mouth. "Sorry" she whispers, apologetically.

"It's okay I'm used to being told to shut up" I say sending a look towards Raph who loos away and starts admiring the wall. I roll my eyes and look back at Linda.

"So that is your brother?"

"Sadly yes"

"What that supposed to mean?!" Raph bursts out glaring at me.

"Oh uh nothing" I say innocently, in a sing song voice while fluttering my eyes at him. Raph puffs and walks away back to his spot on the ground against the wall.

"Which one is this one?" Linda asks looking at Raph.

"That is Raphael but everyone calls him Raph"

"You may call me Raphael" Raph pipes up. I turn my head to see Raph's eyes are closed and is listening to us.

"Raphie don't be rude" I scold before looking back at Linda "I'm sorry he is a hot headed jerk sometimes"

"It's okay. I understand. I am the villain's step daughter after all"

"But you are not a villain so it's all good" I say with a smile.

"You are too nice Mikey. I wish everyone was like you"

"If everyone was like me I wouldn't be the cute one anymore"

"Mikey I meant- ugh never mind" Linda groans as she face palms and shakes her head. "I got to go. I'll be back later today to check on you, bye!" with that she leaves.

"Bye" I say even though I know she is gone. "Be safe"


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