Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Raph's POV:

I open my eyes weakly as I stare at my rather bright surroundings. I don't remember falling asleep. All I remember is cuddling with Mikey. Mikey?! I look down in my arms to see him not there. "Mikey?" I say looking around the camp site. "Mikey?!" I say a little louder. No reply. "MIKEY?!" I scream at the top of my lungs. There is no site of Mikey. Oh shit! He probably went out into the woods! Fuck! I curse at myself as I try and get up. A sharp pain runs through me making me fall down. I suddenly see a little trail of red heading into the darkness of the forest. "Mikey..." I mutter to myself. I gotta get up. I gotta find Mikey! I whimper at the pain as I am finally able to get up on my feet. I hold on to a tree branch as I take nice easy steps towards the direction of the blood trail. My legs give out on me as I crash to the ground. My eye lids heavy. "Mikey... Please be Okay" I whisper as darkness consumes me. When I wake up again its dark. "Mikey?" I say looking around once more. Again no one is hear but me. I'm so worried that something bad might has happen to Mikey I don't see a dark figure walk up behind me. I turn my head towards the sound as I hear a twig snap. "Mikey? Is that you?" I call out hopefully as I struggle to get up. The shadow figure continues to walk towards me. "Mikey, I was so worried you got hurt. Don't ever leave without writing a note again. I was scared out of my shell" I scold the approaching figure. "Mikey?" I ask in concern. The figure comes out of the shadow and I can see. "You are not Michelangelo" I hiss at the tall man wearing shades.

"No. but if you are curious about the other giant turtle we found I suggest you come with me quietly" the man said as he adjust his sunglasses.

"Other giant turtle? Mikey! What did you do to Mikey?!" I growl my hands balling into fists. No one hurts my Mikey and gets away with it.

"If I were you I would stand down. You are in no condition to fight" the man's husky voice demanding. "Just let me tie you up"

"Like shell I'll let you tie me up!" I scream angrily at the man.

"Do you want to see your friend again?"

"He is my brother and you better not hurt him in anyway or else" I growl, taking a shaky step towards the man. Ignoring the pain.

"Little too late for that, freak. But don't worry. If you come with me I promise not to hurt your brother" the man vowed taking a step forward. I sigh.

Mikey... I growl at the man as I stand up straighter to show I am no threat.

"Good. Now come along"

I grunt with pain as I walk side by side with the man. "What's up with the sunglasses in the middle of the night?" I ask after a long, what felt like an hour, time of walking in silence.

"It makes me look cool" he says simply.

It makes you look like a fool! I smile to myself. That is something Mikey would say. Mikey... please be okay. "So what's your name?" I grunt as I feel a stick whack me in the back of the head. The man sighs.

"The name is Erick and don't you forget it."

"So what is a nasty guy like you doing out here in the unknown?" Erick sighs before taking off his sunglasses and placing them on his head. His brown eyes had unhappiness and guilt in them.

"To be honest I'm not nasty. I hate being mean, but my boss says I have to or he will cut out my spleen"

"Nice rhyme"

"Thanks! I'm sorry for being rude, but I found you brother wandering the woods, picking up special kinds of rare healing herbs. We have been searching this island for years for it and could never find them, but all of a sudden a turtle that walks on two legs and wearing an orange mask comes along and finds them like that is his normal routine. My boss wanted him so he could find these herbs" Erick explains as he kicks a lonely rock off the dirt trail.

"Why does your boss want some healing herbs?" I ask. Erick looks at me then at my injuries. He grabs my right arm and flings it over his shoulder as he helps put the weight off of me. "Thanks"

"No problem, and to answer your question, my boss wants these herbs to make a lot of money. These herbs are only found on this island. Most people don't even know they exists. They are almost impossible to find. So that's why it was a shock that your... Brother you said?" Erick looks at me to clarify. I nod and he continues "your brother found them so easily"

"I'm surprised as well"

"You are?" Erick looked at me with so much confusion it made me flinch away.

"Yeah. I'm surprised that my bro, the one who never listens, that never picked up any book except comic books, and that is so dense you want to smack him upside the head most of the time, found a rare anything" I shake my head in disbelief "It just doesn't seem like Mikey" Erick nods and we walk in silence. I glance over at him as he stares up the dirt path. "So... how did you know where I was?" I ask breaking the silence.

"I followed your brother's blood trail" he says simply, not looking at me.

"How did you find Mikey?"

"I was on patrol with two other guys trying to find the plant. When I heard a voice. I looked at the path and saw a giant orange masked turtle picking up plants. I was shocked. I had never seen anything like him. I went to approach him when I notice the plants he was picking. They were the healing herbs. He turned around and I saw his head oozing an ugly yellow and bubbly white. Blood was also trailing down his face on the ground. I saw him put one of the plants in his mouth and eat it. He asked me if I wanted some. I asked him how he found it and he told me that he just stumbled upon them and that he was going to take some for his big brother" Erick looks at me "I'm guess that it is you" he looks back at the road "He handed me one before turning around and picking the rest of the pant up. Then the two guys I was with saw him picking the herbs and jumped him. I tried to stop them but they kept punching him I told them that if they didn't stop I would tell the boss. They stopped and ended up dragging your half-awake brother to the boss. I was about to follow when I remembered he said something about you. So I followed his blood trail right to you." Erick takes a deep breath as he finished explaining. I stare at him with shock. I didn't know whether I should be pissed off for those men beating up Mikey, or worried for the fact that I don't know where he is. I look back at the path as I let Erick catch his breath.

"How much longer till we get to your boss?"

"We are here"


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