Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Mikey's POV:

The bright light shinned into my eyes as the best part of my dream had come. Damn sun.

Anyway I had a dream about me having super powers. I was saving the world when I heard a call for help. When I rushed there I say the back of a girl's blond hair. I notice her wherein a pink fru-fru dress. "Never fear! Mikey is here!" I shout untying her. "Thanks" she said. It was weird because it sounded like a boy. "You are my hero" she turned and I almost fainted. There stood Raph in a pink dress. I nearly died laughing. Then I woke up.

"Awe right at the good part two" I complain sitting up and rubbing my eyes.

"Good part of what?" I jump slightly as I look down to see Raph laying right next to me staring up at me.

"Of my dream" I say with a nod.

"What was it about?" Raph asked sitting upright and cracking his fingers, which made me shiver.

" about being a superhero" I stammer, mentally smacking myself for the third time since we got here.

"You and super heroes" Raph says shaking his head. I look away before getting up.

"This would be a good time to have a watch" I hear Raph mumble. I look up to see him looking at the sky.

"I just wanna go home" I whisper quietly making sure Raph can't hear me.

"We should look for food and water" I blurt out getting his attention.

"I guess you are right..." I put my hand on my belt to find I don't have either of my nunchaks or my shell cell.

"Awe great I don't have my weapons or my shell cell. Donnie and Leo are going to kill me!" I complain throwing my hands in the air dramatically.

"I'm going to kill you if you don't shut up!" Raph growls kicking a stone.

"I'm going to kill you if you don't shut up" I mimic in a high pitch voice.

"Shut up, Mikey" Raph warns turning to face me.

"Shut up, Mikey" I say.

"I'm warning you Mike. Knock it off!" Raph says sounding pissed off as he walks towards me, like a lion stalking its' prey.

"I'm warning you Mi-" I am unable to finish before Raph grabs me and throws me at the nearest tree. The tree snaps in half and I feel like my shell did too. "Ouch" I say rubbing my back. I look at Raph and see he has already started walking. "Hey! Wait up!" I holler, scrambling to my feet and running after him.

Raph's POV:

God Mikey is so annoying. Does he ever stop talking? I angrily stomp through the forest. I can hear Mikey yelling for me to slow down behind me but I don't do it. I keep my pace and try to ignore him.

"Raph I'm sorry!" Mikey screams out 20 minutes later. I continue to ignore him as I push a large branch out of my way. I hear a loud smack then a thump. I turn around and see Mikey on the ground. I roll my eyes "Come on Mikey. Quit lying around" I put my hands on my hips waiting for Mikey to get up. But he never does. "Mikey. Let's go" I demand with a pissed off tune in my voice. I hear Mikey moan

"I'm coming." I huff and continue walking. What a bone head!

Mikey's POV:

I reach up and touch my forehead right above my left eye. I flinch as a sharp pain strikes me, making me pull away. I look at my hand to see ruby red blood on my fingers. My eyes widen. I look up to see Raph almost gone. The only thing I can see is green and red.

"Raph!" I holler after him.

As I run I get to feel dizzy but I shake it off. Raph hasn't once turned around to check on me. Big meanie. I sigh as I continue to follow. My stomach growling for food. A few minutes later, I hear rushing of water and cheer. I think Raph hears it too because he begins to speed up into a jog. We burst through a clearing of leaves to find a large patch of dirt next to a river.

Raph's POV:

I sigh in relief as I witness the luxurious cold water rush by. Begging me to take a sip. Mikey and I both run to the stream and drink. I am so glad it is fresh water. When my thirst is gone I lean back with a sigh.

"Yo, Mike, how are you feeling?" I turn my head to look at him. His shell turned toward me.

"I'm fine" he says getting up and walking into our camp site tonight.

"Mike?" I question looking at him strangely.

"What?! I'm just tired okay?! Leave me alone!" he snaps lying down on the dirt.

What the fuck did I do? I stare at his sleeping form. I shrug and pull out my Sai (He only has one okay? He lost his other one somewhere in the sewers). I stand in the water waiting for fish to swim by. I stand there for about ten minutes before my first victim comes into view. Using my ninja training, I easily sweep down and capture two salmons with my Sai. I smirk at the wiggling fish.

"Hey Mikey! Look I got two!" I shout out. The only thing I am rewarded with his a simple hand wave. I'm pissed now. I walk out of the water kicking several fish out and landing on the shore.

"Mikey!" I demand glaring down at his freckled body.

"What?!" he snaps at me, only making me angry. I reach down unable to control myself and lift him up. I pull my fist back ready to punch him when I see something I never want to see on my little brother.



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