Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Mikey's POV:

When I wake up I'm a little soar. I don't open my eyes. Afraid of what I might see. I can tell its day time. Well I hope it is day time and not some dissection light. I cough up water as get to the upright position.

Okay so I can sit up meaning I'm not strapped down I think. I open my eyes to get a stinging bright light. I squint and rub my eyes. I glance around my surrounding to find that I am in some kind of forest. What happen? I ask myself in my head as I rub my head.

Last thing I remember was falling in Raph's arms...

"Raph!" I scream out in realization. He was with me when I fell. I look around panicky searching for him. I don't see him which makes me worried. I hear a groan of pain to my left. I look to see Raph lying at least five feet away from me.

"Raph!" I call out crawling to him. I pick up his head and lay it in my lap as I grab a hold of his hand.

"Raph?" I whisper to him. He is alive at least. I feel something wet drip onto my left leg. I look to see it was blood.

"Raph!" I yell surprised jumping up letting his head slam down onto the ground.

"Opps" I flinch.

"Shad up, Mikey" Raph groans, getting to the sitting position, rubbing his head.

"Raph you are awake!" I say as I jump into his lap. I can tell he wasn't expecting it because he grunts before wrapping his arms around me protectively.

"Mikey get of me!" Raph growls and shoves me off.

I remember the blood and jump up looking around. I try to remember what Donnie told me about fixing wounds when you are somewhere unknown and have no supplies. I see a large leafed tree and some wild rose bushes. I quickly grab the biggest leaf, which was the size of my hand to my elbow. I go to the rose bush and carefully pick off one of the big thorns. I get pricked slightly allowing a little blood to trickle down my hand. I put the wounded figure in my as I take the material to Raph. I notice Raph staring at me intently making my cheeks heat up. I shake my head clearing the pink from my face as I sit myself down next to Raph's left shoulder. I take my figure out of my mouth as I get to work. I first touch the wound gently making Raph grunt with pain.

"Sorry" I say as I wrap his shoulder with the large leaf then pin it in one place with the rose thorn. "There that should stop the bleeding."

"Thanks" Raph mutters so quietly I almost didn't hear it.

Raph's POV:

I could believe Mikey "fixed" my wound. I guess he was listening to Donnie when he was talking to us about survival.

"Thanks" I mumble trying to show I was grateful, but not too grateful. I can see the proud look on his face. I guess he is pretty happy about being able to help. I then realize I am in uncharted territory for me and, most likely, Mikey.

"Where are we?" I ask Mikey glancing around. To the looks of it I think we are in some kind of forest. Wait a minute! There are no forests in New York.

"Shit!" I curse only to hear Mikey make a small breathless laugh. I turn my glare to him

"You said a bad word" he points out acting like a child. I snort and stand up dusting all the dirt off of me."I don't know where we are" Mikey piped up pulling my attention from the forest.

"You never know anything" I chuckle as I get Mikey's cute tongue stuck out at me. Did I just call Mikey's tongue cute?! I must be going crazy.

"We should start walking" I state trying to find a path.

"Start walking where exactly Raphie? In case you haven't notice, we are in a unknown place" Mikey blurts out in an annoyed voice. That threw me off. Mikey isn't the type to get all pissy that's my thing.

"Whatever. Just follow me" I say walking down a dirt path that looked the safest.

"I hope we find out way home" Mikey says behind me.

"Me too, bro. me too."


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