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You have chosen to run right towards the meadows.

You quickly grasp Derek's arm and pull him from his sitting position as you signal toward the meadows; Derek quickly nods at you and you begin to dash towards the meadows. You quickly run through the remainder of the forest, you believe you have got away as the sight of the meadow looks closer until suddenly, you feel a brute force hit your back and you are thrust violently forwards onto a root and hear something break - Derek screams out your name as he runs forwards to grab you. Your eyes dart around in search of the force that threw you forwards but you cannot find it, guess it's better to worry about that later though.  Derek drags you into the meadow as delicate flowers crush almost silently under your feet, the sound of their footsteps is now significantly quieter and you wonder how on earth they lost track of you when you could've sworn they were right behind you.  Derek places you gently onto the floor both of you let out a sigh of relief however you do notice the look of confusion on his face, rather than the one of fear you were expecting.

"What is it," You ask him quietly

"The vampire that pushed you, it just..walked away" He replies. "It led the others away"

You almost let out a laugh as you reply telling him he must've imagined it. But, you do question what, other than a vampire, could push you forwards with such a force.

 Both you and Derek become increasingly away that night is falling as you notice a metal bar in the distance that seems to be embedded into the ground; to you, it seems to be placed almost like a trap but it is the only chance you may have, and you do need to rest and recover.

Do open the metal door in the ground or continue running forwards?

Open the metal door in the ground - turn to page 7
Continue running  - turn to page 5

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