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    The next day, the four Rangers woke up and mounted their horses. The trails left by the Kalkara were easy to find as they had made no attempt to hide their tracks. The four split up to take the two trails. Gilan and Sierra went with the second track they found a quarter kilometer from the first one, which Halt and Will were going to follow.

"Keep an eye on them," Halt told Will as Gilan said a similar thing to Sierra.

"Watch them," he said.

The two apprentices nodded and looked over at each other. Sierra waved and got it returned by Will. However, when Gilan and Sierra disappeared, the two young Rangers alerted their masters to the disappearance. They nodded and went on their way. When they got closer to the Stone Flutes, they went more cautiously.

"This is the only decent cover for the whole plain," Halt pointed out.

"Do you think they know we're here?" Will asked.

"Maybe. But unless you know for a fact that you've been seen, act like you haven't. That way you won't be caught off guard or give the game away to early," Halt replied.

"I love games!" Sierra said happily. "What game shall we play? I'm getting bored."

Halt and Gilan looked at each other. Halt was annoyed, and Gilan was amused. Will decided to join in and nodded vigorously.

"Can we play a game?" Will asked.

"No," Halt answered.

Sierra glared at him. With a shake of her head and a sigh, she mounted Star again and rode off to the second Kalkara's tracks.

"Whatever," she called. "When you've decided to finally come up with a plan, meet me and Will at the edge of the plain."

Will got the message and rode after her, catching up and smiling at her. Gilan and Halt quickly mounted and went after them, stopping them.

"You're not going anywhere without us," Halt said sternly.

Sierra shrugged and looked at him, as though waiting for him to give her a gold coin. Halt quickly told them his plan, which gained nods of agreement.

"Let's go," Sierra said.

She led Gilan along at first before Gilan went past her. Halt and Will did the same. All too soon, they reached the forest to rest.

"This is the way they're going," Halt said, spreading out a map of Araluen.

He held the corners down with rocks and put an arrow on it to indicate the direction the Kalkara were heading.

"That could leave only two places that they're headed to. The Gorlan Ruins. Or Castle Araluen. Though, I doubt that they would go for the king," Sierra muttered. "Castle Redmont is not too far away. One person, riding two horses, could get there in time to get the Baron and Battlemaster, get them to the Gorlan Ruins in about two days."

"Exactly. Will, are you willing to go do this? Sierra will lend you her horse, Star," Halt said.

"You got this, Will," Sierra encouraged.

"Okay. I'll see it done," Will agreed.

"Say 'Honey' in Star's ear before you get on, unless you want to go flying," Sierra told him.

Will nodded and mounted Tug, his horse.

"Star, follow," Sierra said, pointing to Tug and Will after she had tied the reins up.

The Ruins of Gorlan (Book One of The Rangers Apprentice Series)Where stories live. Discover now