Chapter 1- Keep him

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Hello! This is my new story called 'My kitty', since I can't find a better name for it. So I will try to update at least one or twice per week since I've written a few chapters already =) If you like it star, comment or follow? I'll follow back! Thanks

"Sasuke-Kun!" I rolled my eyes as I heard the pink haired calling me for the fifth time. Why wouldn't she ever leave me alone for a minute? Wouldn't she ever realize that I literally have no interest in her dumb mind? I turned around face to face with her sending over one of my famous sharp glare which didn't help me at all.

"What do you want?" I asked with my usual tone clearly showing her that I wasn't interested in what she was going to say. "Lady Tsunade wants' to see you! Come on!" She didn't give me a chance to say anything; she immediately grabbed my hand all cheery and ran over in the direct way to the hokage office, geez, girls.

"You wanted to see me Lady Tsunade?" It was only me and Lady Tsunade in the room. Once we got here the hokage thanked Sakura and sent her out of the room while she'd talk to me, though I'm pretty sure that she's waiting for me outside and like usual ask me to go out with her. Lady Tsunade nodded seeming interested at what she has to tell me "I want you to keep someone living with you for a while"
"Huh? What do you mean?" I asked confused. Why would she want me to keep someone living with me? Especially if I don't know the person, just who does that? For all I know he could be a pedophile wanting my body like that damn old pale snake!

"Shizune, Bring Naruto in!" Naruto,like that swirly food? Who the hell would even give that name to their child?! A few seconds later Shizune came in followed by a short blonde dude

My eyes widened in shock as I saw the boy. Not just a boy, a boy with cat ears, a blonde fluffy tail and three cat whiskers on each of his cheeks. "I want you Sasuke to keep him with you for a while in the Konohagakure, It's really important. Can you do that?" I took a look at the boy again who was already looking at me with a sly grin on his face mixed with anxiety in it. I looked at Lady Tsuande giving her a weird crazy look

"Why would I even do that? And why me? You can tell Sakura....Maybe she'll fangirl over him and leave me alone" I argued with her clearly unhappy by her order. This kid is clearly weird, he could try and fucking kill me!

Lady Tsunade slammed her fist onto her desk "Because you're the only one that lives in the Uchiha gakure and it's safe to keep him there!" I huffed out and glared at her. Who does she think she even is? I trained to be a ninja to fight not to babysit some fucking weirdo "Why do you even want to protect this weirdo?" I looked at him giving him a disgusted look as he glanced at the side awkwardly.

"Naruto isn't normal as you can see...he was used for experiments and he turned like that at a young age. If people would see him they'd be confused. He was used by Orochimaru before he escaped and then one of our shinobi found him" I shook my head at her in disbelief

"Used by Orochimaru for experiments? And why WOULD I keep him with me knowing that he was used by Orochimaru? This could be a trap set by that filthy snake! He already gave me a fucking weird bite, next thing I want is him taking over my body!"

"I can assure you that won't be happening"

She looked down at her desks arranging some papers to keep her temper down. "And why is that?" she scoffed. "Can't you see him? He doesn't know how to fight, no jutsus what so ever, he barely even speaks! Do you even know the condition he was him when they found him?"

I bit my lip while tapping my foot on the wooden floor. He does look useless, but still how can I even trust him?

"Look Sasuke, We can't just throw him out. Further investigations will be taking place soon about his past, family and powers. Even so, you're strong; you know how to protect yourself no?"

I nodded agreeing with her "Fine, if that's what you want, after all, I can't go against your orders" She smiled and I turned around observing the boy who was smiling at me, what a weird guy.

"Oh and Sasuke, keep your eyes on him and protect him"

"Yes my lady" 

My Kitty- SasuNaruWhere stories live. Discover now