Chapter 6- New friends

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Ok so I said that I would upload this chapter today or tomorrow and i decided to update today. Also I will probably update chapter 7 wednesday, but i'm still not sure. I'm gonna be busy this week and also exams :/ but then summer so more updates! Thanks for who voted on the last chapter : MRSNEONUNICORN, aldora64, BlueBird567, samanthakiefert1, sakutani, and blackkitty0207 and for commenting thx to blackkitty0207. I apologize if i left someone out, please tell me if i did. 


"That was so goooood" Naruto said after finishing his sixth bowl of ramen "Everyone says that" Ichiraku exclaimed giving Naruto a grin "So, will we see you here again Naruto?" Ayame turned around and gave Naruto a smile. Naruto looked at me like wanting to say 'Will we come here again?' "Of course I'll bring Naruto here again" He'd probably beg and annoy me to get him more ramen anyways.

I smiled as a perfect smile lit up his face. Woah, okay more like just a normal smile, not perfect. Geez I'm spending way too much time with this dope that I'm becoming weird as well.

I got of the stool followed by Naruto, I turned around looking at him "Do you think you can eat something else?" Naruto nodded and smiled, He putted both of his hands behind his head "I can eat lots of more Sasuke!" Well then, yes this guy is going to drive me poor. I smiled and both of us started walking to the barbecue shop where I usually meet up with the others.

After a few seconds of walking we arrived at the barbecue shop. I was about to go inside when a hand grabbed me by my shirt. "huh?" I turned around to see Naruto with a worried look on his face "what's wrong?" I asked. Naruto stopped pulling my shirt and took an interest to look at his legs "What if...what if your friends won't like me?" Oh so this is why he's worried all of a sudden. "Dope! Is this why you're worried? Don't worry they'll like you!" Naruto's eyes locked with mine while giving me a smile, I smiled back at him "Even so, If you won't feel comfortable just tell me and we'll leave" He nodded and we walked into the shop and spotted the others at a table in the corner. "Come on Naruto, follow me" Naruto nodded. I walked to the table to see all of them there, Shikamaru, Choji, Hinata, Ino, Sakura and Sai. Ugh so the girls are here too today, geez, and I was thinking we'd get some quiet time for us boys only.

"Hey! I brought someone with me" I exclaimed. Their eyes all looked at the person who was currently next to me grinning like a fool "Hi! I'm Naruto, You don't have to act all like smart guys just because you're a strong ninja because soon I'll be a strong one too! Believe it!" and I thought he'd be all shy and quite. Everyone seemed surprised but soon they introduced themselves after Naruto took a seat next to Sai and me sitting next to Naruto avoiding the girl's from sitting next to me. "Naruto... so you must be the one Lady Tsunade told me about. I'm Sai" Sai waved at Naruto and gave him one of his smiles. So as Lady Tsunae said Sai also knows about Naruto and his weird features, I hope the others won't ask about the whiskers and I also hope he won't say anything with the others. "Hi Sai.... hey are you and Sasuke related? Sasuke don't you think Sai looks like you?" Naruto questioned looking back at me than at Sai again while the others laughed at him. "No dope we're not" I replied. Why does everyone think we're related somehow? We're complete opposite.

Naruto mumbled an 'Oh'. "So N-Naruto where are you from?" Hinata stuttered blushing. Blushing...why is she blushing while asking Naruto a question? Does she seriously have a crush on him? Way to go all shy and nice, girls are devils, all of them! Devils who want to drive a man crazy.

I felt something hit me in my leg, I looked up to see Sakura with a worried look on her face, then I remembered what Hinata asked Naruto "Oh he's from a place far away and somehow lady Tsunade and him now each other, aka related, It's a long story to explain" I lied. That was a close one, I should've worried more about that than Hinata crushing on Naruto...Not that I was that worried, I mean I don't care if Hinata crushes on him or not, in fact I don't care if the entire world wants to crush on him, I just pity him that he'll have a girl chasing after him. I know how that feels!

Food was served and everyone took three pieces except for Choji cause he always eats more than us. "Wow you took ten more pieces than us you sure do eat a lot, that explains why you're so fa-" My eyes widened as I caught on what Naruto was about to say and I covered his mouth as quick as possible. Silence took over but was replaced by Choji's words " Was he gonna call me that word?"

" No he didn't, hehe calm down Choji" Ino patted Choji's arm while laughing nervously "But I tought I heard a fat word there!" Choji protested. "Calm down Choji you heard wrong, he didn't say that" Shikamaru said all calmly. Shikamaru was one of the most people who could calm Choji down, well; they are best friend's after all. Choji gave Naruto a dirty look and continued eating while Naruto had a confused look on his face. Dope!

After an hour or so at the barbecue shop me and Naruto decided to head home since tomorrow I'll need to start training him. "Here change in these" I tossed him his new set of pyjamas that I brought him today. I quickly changed into mine and got in bed ready to sleep. I was about to close my eyes when I see Naruto getting in bed next to me "Hey dope what are you doing?" I exclaimed. Naruto looked confused but answered "getting in bed to sleep, teme"

"Then you go to your room!" Naruto whined and pointed to the window, some dark clouds were beginning to form in the night sky hiding all of the small bright stars. "That doesn't mean it's gonna rain!" I argued. "But what if it will? I will be so scared and then I'll have to wake you up while you're sleeping so it's better to just sleep here, no?" He begged me. I groaned and rolled my eyes, and then I nodded which made Naruto shout a yay and get in bed while scooting next to me.

My mind drifted back at the barbecue shop; does Hinata really have a crush on him? The way she blushed while talking with Naruto and looking at him all the time explains it all. I a weird feeling, Why am I worried? Why do I care if any one crushes on him or not? I can't... no I won't get feelings for him! I am Sasuke uchiha, the one who barely shows any emotions not the one who's getting jealous. No wait I'm not getting jealous. I do not like Naruto, I barely even know him!

I sighed and opened my eyes, I didn't even notice Narutos warm breath hitting my bare neck nor his face in on my shoulder. I'm changing...and i do not like it at all.


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