Chapter 4- Foodpills

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Hi everyone! So since i got 3 votes on chapter three I will be updating twice today, YAY! Also I would like to thank this awesome girl for commenting and voting on my last chapter samanthakiefert and for voting thanks to Sakutani  and Blue_Bird567. I also would like to thank crystal rose7531 for voting on chapter 1 and 2 =) and shikamaru_naru_RP for voting on 1 and 2 and maria_ruix for commenting on chappy 1. Thanks to all of you <3 Also i'm sorry if i'm missing someone here, I had to check on my phone to see who voted and commented. So I will update chapter 5 today too, probably at like 3pm or sooner. 


I woke up feeling something heavy-ish on my chest. I opened my eyes to find Naruto's face in the crook of my neck with half of his chest on me with his arm tangled around me. Naruto's breathing kept hitting on my neck sending warm chills up my spine. I stayed there looking at him who seemed to be in a deep peaceful slumber

Then I realized that he was cuddling with me! Even when I told him not to. I pushed his body off of mine and got out of bed not really caring if he woke up. I got in the bathroom and filled the tub with some warm water, if someone got in and saw us like that geez I wouldn't even know how to explain to them, and by saying 'someone' I mean for Sakura. Yeah one time somehow she found a way in my bedroom greeting me with a smile when I woke up. That was one of the scariest moments in my life and probably the only time I screamed so loud while waking up. That's when I was revealed that I was alone in the Uchiha gakure and only Sakura heard me.

After I got washed up I found some clothes for Naruto and filled the tub again for him "Dope get up!" I said as I walked in my bedroom. Naruto was still asleep, this time cuddling with a pillow... oh so last night he could've cuddled with it but chose not to, thanks for making my life complicated. I sighed and walked next to the bed and shook his body "Dope I said wake up!" Naruto groaned and opened his eyes "oh, hi Sasuke" he mumbled. "Come on you need to have a bath, hurry or the water will get cold" Naruto nodded slowly getting up from the bed while I walked to the kitchen to prepare some breakfast.

After some minutes Naruto came to the kitchen washed and dressed up with his tail and hair still a little wet. "Don't you know how to dry yourself off? Dope" Naruto gave a light chuckle "Sasuke I'm hungry!" Naruto whined "here" I passed him some bread with some fresh cherry jam on top of it.

While eating breakfast I heard a knock on the door. "I'll go get it for you Sasuke!" Naruto started running towards the door. "Naruto no wait!" I yelled but was too late. "Sasuke a girl is asking for you!"

I continued running to the door, if it's not Sakura I'm screwed! I turned around the corner to see a girl with light pink hair. Sakura, for the first and last time I'm glad it was her at the door. "Good morning Sasu-" I ignored Sakura "Naruto! Don't ever do that again, I could have gotten in a lot of trouble if it wasn't Sakura" I yelled. Naruto's fluffly tail got own also his ears indicating that he felt scared. "I'm sorry Sasuke, I didn't think that trough" Naruto apologized feeling bad. With a small sigh I calmed myself down "it's ok for now Naruto. Sakura?" I said. I felt kind of bad for yelling at Naruto... I never really felt bad for yelling with someone before...maybe it's because I know that he never felt friendship or love anyways now I need to see what Sakura wanted.

"Lady Tsunade told me to tell you that you will train Naruto some jutsus and also tai-jutsu" train him? Why does she want me to train him? Does she want to make him a shinobi? "Why?" I asked. Sakura smiled "well you still need to go on mission with us you know! And since Naruto will be coming with us on missions he has to at least know something for his safety" Come with us on missions? She said she needed to keep him safe then...I guess because I can't leave him here alone? I sighed "and since you'll be training him hard I made some food pills for Naruto, you can take some too" Sakura smiled and handed me the basket filled with brown small icky looking balls called, food pills. "Anything else?" I asked. Sakura blushed and looked down at the floor. I see where this is going...

"Um...I was thinking, do you want to go get something to eat with me today, and then maybe a walk?" I silently groaned "I can't, I'm going to show konoha to Naruto then get us some ramen" I said glancing behind me at Naruto.

Well I didn't really plan on going out today with Naruto but I guess it's better than going out with her "But how are you gonna take him out?" Sakura protested. I smirked. "Don't worry I'll hide them, something else?" I said. She shook her head mumbled a 'next time' and left with a disappointed look on her face.

I closed the door and looked at Naruto showing him a small smile and for once glad that I used him as an excuse to get rid of Sakura

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