Chapter 24- Visits

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Oh i'm sorry everyone for not updating sooner, but believe me i caught a fever and felt like dying >.< i'm better now though. Oh and next chapter is Sasunaru lemon ;) So this is very important what i'm going to say. So since next chapter is sasunaru lemon I thought that maybe some of you doesn't want their name shared on the next chapter so if you don't want your name to be shared send me a private message :)

SO This happened again, it says i have 11 votes on the last chapter but i only found 4? geez >.< So please who ever voted and his name isn't in the list i apologize and i hope  you're not offended >.< i appreciate that if i leftyou out please send me a message :'( pls do

Votes: Sakutani, Blue_Bird567, MIO_SOLDATINO, loves20z_pain,

so those are the only ones that said voted ;( i think this happened because it took me like a week and a half to post so when I'll receive a vote I'll write it down on my notebook so they wont vanish, sorry again  >.<

Commens: MIO_SOLDATINO, -Miki-chan-, xxblackwaolf, AmIReallyMary, Otaku529, Soulreaper666


i was currently observing a cute sleeping Naruto who was curled up by my side. i couldn't help but think about our future. our child which will soon come to this world, a boy or a girl? what will our child look like? maybe both of us? what about the personality? what will we name our baby?  and last i thought about how fun the times will be with our child. we'll have so much fun. me, Naruto and our child, we'll protect the child with our lifes and love him/she endlessly, i just hope that everything will be okay, hat's what i really want.

A knock on the door interrupted me from being a 'creep', that's probably what Naruto would say if he caught me looking at him while him sleeping. But isn't it normal for lovers? Yeah it is normal. I threw of the covers from my body and slowly got of the bd. I made sure that the covers were still covering Naruto and then grabbed a shirt and pants to get dressed in. After I got done I went downstairs to see who was still knocking impatiently. Geez. I opened the door the see about eight people: HInata, Kiba (with Akamaru of course), Shino, Ino, Shikamaru, Chouji, Sakura and Sai.

"um...morning" I said. this is really weird, they barely ever come here, of course i'm not talking about Sakura or Ino, just the others. "Good morning Sasuke, we thought about visiting Naruto, see how he's doing. We hope you don't mind" Sai said and gave me a small smile. Visiting Naruto? Could it be... they know about the baby? Ino tilted her head at me "Sasuke is something wrong? You look pale" she said all 'worried'. Sakura looked at her and snickered "his skin is usually pale don't you know?" I invited them inside and groaned as Ino and Sakura continued on how pale I am and it's seriously pissing me off. "Could both of you stop it already? Naruto's still asleep" I said harshly. both of them replied with a 'sorry' while I just sighed and led them to the kitchen all of them bombarding me with questions about Naruto.

A few minutes later I heard light footsteps approaching, I smiled knowing that Naruto will be here. "I-Is that Naruto?" Hinata shyly stuttered. I nodded while she just blushed. I guess she still likes Naruto , that really annoys me though she's not the type of fangirl that chases after you and an annoying one. I heard the kitchen door making  creaking sound "Sasuk-oh hi guys!" Naruto rubbed his sleepy eyes and waved to the other while coming next to me. I wrapped my arms around his torso and side hugged him while the girls 'awed' us and the others just chuckled. I placed my head on his shoulder and pecked his flushed pink cheek. I chuckled and un embraced him. I grabbed an unused chair and sat on it soon bringing Naruto on my lap nuzzling my face at his back.

"Who knew that you two would get together" Shino quietly said "Yeah! Especially Sasuke, who knew that he'd fall in love with a boy!" Kiba crossed his hands on his chest and chuckled. Naruto turned his face towards me and gave me a confused look "Is it wrong?" wrong? As i was about to say that it wasn't Ino mouth butted in "No, No! It's not wrong, you two are perfect together! Don't listen to doggie boy, haha!"Ino giggled while Kiba just grumbled something. "So how old is the baby?" Chouji now asked. Naruto looked at me like wanting to ask me the same question. I thought for a moment than answered "About a month and a few days" Naruto nodded and pressed his lips with mine while I brought him closer to me "When is the baby going to get born?" Sai asked. So Naruto got pregnant in April so I guess....December. "December"

December, I like December. All the  white snow falling and the coldness is perfect. I can't help but grin at the thought about me and Naruto cuddling and all of the soft warm kisses we'll share at winter. "Hmm? What are you grinning at?" Naruto whispered, i looked up at him and pecked his lips quickly "About me and you cuddling through winter"

A smile lit up his face "That would be perfect!" He replied.. My cold hands slowly cupped his cheeks and placed a soft and warm kiss on his lips once again. I heard some awes from the girls again. "You're like a pair of lovebirds" Sakura said. Yes a cute and cuddly pair of...lovebirds. Naruto's gaze drifted on to everyone and soon his expression turned to confused "Hey why didn't Lee, Neji and TenTen come?"

Neji, him. That guy's name could turn me from happy to angry and probably confused or jealous. He likes Naruto more than a friend, I'm sure of it. "Oh, they left on a mission early this morning, though they'll probably visit when they'll get back" The thought of Neji right here in my house near Naruto made me even more angry and jealous. I'll have to do something about this...and quickly.

so to apoligize i will update chapter 25 tomorrow or tonight. Feel free to send me a message if you voted pls

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