Chapter 15- "Long time no see...."

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So I kept my promise and update today! I will try updating maybe every two days but i'm kinda lazy soo...but I'll try! Thanks for the votes I recieved :  Vampireprincess, Sakutani,  lexi_lou97, ToniKairiGreetan,Neko_Sasuke-kun and AmIReallyMary comments: vampireprincess, xxblackwaolf, Neko_Sasuke-kun, AmIReallyMary


I slowly opend my eyes and yawned. I felt something on my chest and looked down seeing a sleeping Naruto, his arm around my chest while i was holding him in my embrace. I looked to the side to see our clothes. That's when I remembered what happened last night with me and Naruto. I looked at him as he was still sleeping and started playing with a piece of his yellow hair. "Sasuke, Naruto! get up"

Kakashi sensei said from outside. Right, we're on a mission. I sighed "okay" I replied. I slowly shook Naruto as his eyes flicked open and gave me a smile. " Morning Sasuke" he streched his arms out and yawned. Naruto slowl sat up. He looked down at himself naked and blushed while I smirked. "Are you okay kitty?" I questioned sitting up himself. Naruto shook his head 'no'. " Well remember, you didn't wait until we get home:

Naruto grabbed the sheet and wrapped it with his torso while blushin again. I passed him his clothes as I got in mine "Don't worry kitty, we'll probably get back home late at night, then I'll fill you a warm tub okay?" Naruto gave a slight nod as he struggled to get in his clothes. I chuckled and went outside making sure no one saw him naked getting in his clothes.

I looked at the others who were all packing up their camps "Hurry up naruto" I said  . I heard a huff and a 'fine' comign from the tent. A few seconds later Naruto came out and helped me pack up our camp. "Is everyone ready?" Kakashi sensei asked us, everyone nodded.

"Good, The princess will get home at noon so we'll arrive at konoha late at night" Well that's good for Naruto I guess, he probably is feeling uncomfortable.

As we were walking Sai kept glancing at us with a slight smirk on his face "Do you think he knows?" Naruto whispered while pointing a finger at Sai "huh?" I questioned giving him a confused look. "Do you think he heard us last night?" Oh so that's what he means "Well it''s you who kept moaning"  I whispered, Naruto huffed "It's because of you, I kept moaning" I protested again "You couldn't wait until we get home" Naruto groaned and narrowed his eyes at me "But Sasu-"

He got interrupted by Sai. "You shouldn't fight because of me and yes I did hear noises coming from your tent last night" Ugh so he did hear us. " We don't fight, we just argue that's all" Naruto took my hand in his wrapping his fingers around mine. " Sai if you tell anyone, you're dead" I gave him one of my glares "It's ok, what you do is private. I won't tell"  Both me and Naruto sighed in relief.  "Though...I think they already know by those" He pointed to Naruto's neck which was filled with pink circles.

Time skip- Noon.

The princess was saying her farewells and blah blah blahs to us. I can care less what she has to say. Soon again we found ourselfs walking back home. Sakura kept glancing at Naruto giving him a confused look...what's her problem? "Is something wrong Sakura?" Naruto asked with a curious look on his face. Sakura again looked at Naruto "Um...the way you're walking, are you hurt or something?" Baka! Sai and Kakashi sensei bursted out in laughter while Naruto blushed and Sakura looked even more confused.

 Does two...I know that Sai knew about that but Kakashi sensei too? Did Sai tell him or did he find it out on his own? "Um, no...It's just that I didn't sleep good last night" Naruto gave a nervous laugh  while putting his hands behind his neck...his neck. I looked at his neck which again was exposed a little letting some of the pink circles show again. "Um, Naruto you're shirt is wrong heh" I slowly pulled it up. I gave a small sigh of relief, now once again they were hidden.

"But sleeping wrong can affect your walking too? interest-" Sakura stopped talking. We stopped walking  as Kakashi-sensei stopped walking and made a sign for us to stop too. What's wrong? I moved a little so I could see what's wrong.

My eyes widened at what I saw, I clenched my fists and I managed to say "Long time no see...Itachi"


Itachi is in YAY! SO I will try updating in 2 days or sooner ^_^

Question: Who's the most character from Naruto that you hate?

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