Chapter Fourteen/ New World

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I sat on the phone with my boss constantly talking about my "good deed".

"Good job. Now I'mma pay you yo cash. Just get rid of them." I nodded through the phone as if he could see me.

"Fasho boss." I replied with a little static in my voice. I constantly thought over and over about that $200,000. You know what I can do with that? A whole lot. Time for the second part of the plan.


I was scared to make any type of noise. I had no clue where I was, who hit me, or who that man was.. nothing. My head hurt bad as hell. I couldn't see anything at all. I felt myself wanting to cry all over, wondering what did I do to deserve this. Why I have to live this kind of life?

Suddenly, what evidently was a cinch sack was snatched from my head. I realized I was in a bed and my hand was handcuffed. I was naked. Cold. Wet.

"Aye bitch. Get up." I heard a deep voice from the door way. I looked up to see a dark-skinned man with long dreadlocks tied up in a bun. I got up the best of my ability. I was stabbing all over with excruciating pain. He came over to me and unlocked my cuff. I grabbed at my fragile wrist and rubbed it. The buff man snatched my arm and pulled me close to him.

"You do exactly what everyone here says. No questions asked. You do otherwise...matter of fact you gon' find out if you fuck up." He threw my arm out his hand and walked out to the hallway. He came back a few seconds later with a bag.

"Shower and put this on. Boss will be in soon." He started to walk out. "Oh yeah. This so u can't go anywhere." He reached inside the very bottom of the bag and pulled out what looked like an ankle bracelet. He snatched out my ankle and snapped the bracelet on.

"You try to go anywhere out of range, you gon' know." He warned me. I looked around the room for the bathroom. I saw a door adjacent to the room and went to try to open it. I swung the door open and there was the tub, toilet, and sink. It was plain and monotonous. I entered the bathroom with the bag and began to take a shower.

I stood under the shower head and let the warm water cascade down my sore body and breasts. I thought about how fast my life is going downhill. I just want to die.

By the time I lathered and finished thinking, I was startled by a loud knocking on the bathroom door.

"I'm coming. I just need a minute." I said loudly while trying to quickly put on the outfit I was given.

"Hurry the fuck up! Boss don't like to be waitin'." He said through the thin door. I noticed all my outfit was...was a thin, see-through nightgown. I quickly walked outside the doorway to see a petite young girl standing outside. She greeted me and guided me out of the room to another one downstairs. There a large heavyset Latino man sat. He wore very sharp clothing.

"Come here sexy." He spoke in fluent English sprinkled with a Spanish accent. I walked over to him slowly. He grabbed the small amount of booty I had and sat me on his lap.

"Tú estás una muy chica bonita." He said rubbing on my skin gently. I understood what he said so I replied back.

"Thank you sir." I said quietly. I heard knocking on the door. My eyes shot to the door and I heard a familiar voice. Only the hand of the person stuck in with an envelope. The man with the dreads transferred the letter to the Latino man and walked back to his post. He pushed up on my butt chew signaling me to get up. He then opened the letter and read it fairly quickly.

"What is your name?" He looked directly at me. I didn't know if I was to make up an alias or give my real name.

"Keyana." I said slowly. I was dumbfounded that I gave my real name.

"Are you lying to me?" He boomed in my direction. The power in his voice made my spine shiver. I winced a little.

"No sir." I whispered. He stood quickly and came over to me.

"You girls show....Keyana...around the place. Make her feel comfortable. Also, take her out shopping and pampered up." He said handing a caramel complexioned girl a black debit card. "Before you girls do that, I need to talk to Ms. Keyana." They all up and left shutting the door behind them.

"So how is Tionne Mayfield related to you?" He stared at me.

"She is my mother." I said remembering the news that she had died.

"Oh okay. I remember you now. You are her little girl." How did he know this?

"May I ask how you know this, sir?" I asked politely.

"Miss Tionne used to be my woman until Black came in the picture. You, Keyana, were only a small child. Me and your dad were acquainted also." He explained slowly. "I didn't fuck with him too well because he tried to play me."

"Okay." I simply clung to these words.

"Black, your stepfather, was put underneath your father. He had superiority over him. He couldn't take it." He explained further. The background of my mother and father's life slowly started to sink in. He interrupted the story to say, "You'd better get going. The girls are waiting for you." I guess it was time to just accept the new world. Sadly, I still don't get what was going on.

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