Chapter 14

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~ Markiplier's POV ~

"And finally, Ken please report to gate 24. Please stand by for countdown."

I almost can't wait until the arena. I know that I'll be fine. I grab my moustache and strap it on. It's pink and fuzzy like my other one but it's got something a little extra. I wonder if we'll start next to each other in the arena or if we'll have to find each other.

~ Ian Hecox's POV ~


"D-did you mean it?" I ask tearing up slightly.

"I did and still do." He says quietly. I stare at him in surprise. Did he just say I still meant the world to him? "I'm sorry, I have to go." Anthony says pushing past me. I am in to much shock to talk. I sit against the wall again just thinking over his words.

"Anthony! Anthony!" I hear a familiar voice yelling from down the hall.

"Kalel please report to gate 1." The voice booms. Suddenly Kalel bursts through the door in the room.

"Where's Anthony?" she screams at me. I shrug honestly not knowing or caring where he took off to. It's just good to know that he cares for me the same way I care for him, or at least that's what I hope he meant.

>>End Of Flashback<<

I think about the urgency in Kalel's voice. What if she wanted to Anthony how much she loved him before they entered the arena? I can't help but the dark thought of Kalel's death pass through my mind. I sort of hope she dies. That way Anthony will have no one else to turn to but me. When he loses her, sure he'll be devastated, but I'll be right there to cushion the blow. Then all his affection will be reflected onto me. I honestly don't care if it's just pity love. I just want him to love me, no matter the cost. Now I just stand here, waiting, praying that I can get to him first.

~ Tobuscus' POV~

"The final countdown will now begin." They boom. I finish strapping on my heelies, making sure there extra tight. "10, 9, 8, 7, 6..." I take a deep breath and get ready to face whatever they plan on throwing at me. "... 5, 4, 3, 2, 1." The gate in front of me opens and I start running for my life. I don't see or hear anything except my heartbeat and my feet slamming hard against what sound like concrete. I stop for a second and notice another gate opening in front of me. When I walk up to it. I am blinded by the light of the arena. What I see in front of me makes me choke on my own breath.

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