Chapter 13

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~ Cryaoticmonki's POV ~

"The last to enter the show room will be Ken." The voice says finally. I was starting to think that Ken was never getting anything.

"I think we should probably tell each other our survival items." Felix says quietly. You could almost taste the awkwardness that clouded the room. Marzia and I both look at him. Marzia opens her mouth to say something but let's out a whimper instead. I know this is definitely taking a big toll on her. She is so small and fragile. We all know she isn't going to do well in this competition, but we try to avoid talking about it and focus on the time she still has. I notice that Marzia doesn't want to talk and talk instead, clearing the air of the heart-breaking silence.

"I got a mask." Felix looks up at me as to signal that he is listening. "It's one just like I'm wearing now, but shinier and this sting isn't broken." I chokes on my words slightly, remembering why and how it got broken. Finally I continues. "The voice said that it would help keep me hidden, like this mask, but somehow differently." I remember. I tell them exactly what happened when I entered that room.


"Cry. You choose to keep your face hidden from all looking eyes, now you can use it to your advantage." I open the box in front of me and see a shiny new Sup? mask. I don't see anything different about it. "When you put it on you will have the ability to be hidden from any and every thing." I look down at the box once again and close it. "You may now leave." I get up and go back to Pewdipie, Marzia, and Ken.

>>End of Flashback<<

"Cry?" Felix asks. "What did they mean by hidden?" I would like to answer that question, but I can't. I don't know what they meant.

"I'm not sure." I reply simply. "What did you get?"

"I got a Stephano." he says slightly cracking a smile. "It has a locator on the bottom so that I can see where the other contestants are. That way Stephano can keep me safe." It seems like they are making this game a little to easy for some people. I guess they like there death to come quick.

~ Anthony Padilla's POV ~

I cannot believe Ian kissed me! That wasn't even the worst part, Kalel broke up with me because I was mad at Ian for kissing me. I'm sure that if her best girl friend kissed her she would be just as mad as I am.

"Anthony? I don't care if you hate me, I just need to know something." he pleads. I don't think that I should even give him a chance but he starts talking before I can stop him so I let him continue. "Do you remember when we were in the bathroom?" he asks.

"Yes." I say bitterly.

"I said that I loved you, and I dearly mean it. What did you say to me?"

"Ian, you know you mean the world to me." I mutter. I think about that time. I beat the crap out of him, with no mercy but he still helped me and cared for me in my darkest hour. I felt so bad and he just took it and now I think I know what true love is.

"D-Did you mean it?" He asks starting to cry slightly.

"I did. And still do."

~ Kalel's POV ~

Breaking up with Anthony was probably the worst decision I have ever made. My life could hang in the balance. What if he holds s grudge against me? Will he purposely search me out and kill me in the games? I have no time to think about any of that. "The games will begin shortly. You will be called one by one to your separate gates where you will enter the arena. In your gate will be a box containing your item that you viewed earlier. If you break any rules you will be eliminated. Happy hunger games." The voice booms. I was the first to report to the show room so does that mean I will be the first to report to my gate. I have to get all of this sorted out with Anthony.

"Anthony! Anthony!" I yell as I run down the hall. Just before I reach my room the voice booms over the speakers again.

"Kalel. Please go to gate 1." I have to talk to Anthony. I run to my room ignoring the voice.

"Where's Anthony?" I scream at Ian. He shrugs. No!

"Kalel this is your last chance to go to gate 1 before being eliminated." They say again. I give up. I know there is no way to talk to Anthony before meeting in the arena. Maybe I'll have better luck then most.

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