Ch.25: Prince Lakita

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**I couldn't find a good picture, so the one above is the best I could find. This is what a circular arched doorway looks like, except it would be inside a building and not outside.... Basically, it's an arched doorway that is circular all the way around.**

"Who is this?" Ace asks as he looks at Akuji as Lucifer wipes the child's mouth off with a cloth napkin.

"This is Akuji," Lucifer answers. "I stumbled upon him today on my way to Azaziah's,"

"Oh, you went to Azaziah's?" Ace asks.

"Yes, I am sorry I did not take you with me, but I had to check up on something with him, it was only a quick visit,"

"And instead of sweets you came home with a child?" Ace snorts. "How often does that happen?" Or perhaps Azaziah sells orphaned demon children as well, Ace thinks to himself.

Lucifer smiles at his sweet mate. "Not very often," He chuckles. "I do like to feed a homeless or poor family every once in a while, though, Akuji just happened to be the first I found today,"

Then Lucifer frowns as more images flash across his vision, this time, visions involving one of his children. Ace tilts his head as he notices Lucifer's frown.

"What's wrong?" Ace wonders aloud.

Lucifer shakes his head as his visions of Akuji change. He still sees the greatness the small demon child could accomplish someday if someone were to care for him, but now, the visions also show someone else accompanying him.

Lucifer frowns even more as the visions end. He sighs as he looks at the demon child that licks his already clean lips. The child has just finished eating his soup and had managed to get the soup everywhere as he tried to scarf the food down. Lucifer had to scold him a few times because the child was eating too fast.

The child has also been bathed so he no longer stinks and has a fresh clean pair of clothes that are not torn rags. Lucifer also stares at the boy's hair. Lucifer first thought the boy had brownish orange hair, but now that his hair is clean and no longer matted, it shows that his hair is a bright blood red. His dark chocolate skin isn't as dark as before but still a chocolate coloring.

"I had a vision," Lucifer answers Ace's curious stare and previous question.

"Oh," Ace bites his bottom lip. He wants to know what about but Lucifer already told him he cannot share the visions with him. "Can you at least tell me about who?"

"Akuji and my one of my own children,"

Ace frowns at this. "I keep forgetting you have other children other than Tempest,"

Lucifer smiles as he stands to his feet and pulls Ace into his arms. "Would you like to meet some of them?"

Ace blinks a few times. "Really?"

"Of course," Lucifer smiles. "I told you I would show you the south wing on my own,"

"I guess you did," Ace licks his lips. "But, we don't have to go now, I mean, you have Akuji to worry about,"

Lucifer smirks. "Are you trying to delay, my sweet boy?"

Ace huffs. "It's just, what if your kids don't like me? Doesn't me being with you make me technically a second parent to them or something like that? And I'm sure you have kids my age too, probably even older than me, which is just weird to think about,"

"Love, I couldn't care less if they didn't like you, they can just learn to accept you because I'm not letting you go anywhere without me. Now, I'm more than positive a handful will despise you, but a handful will also not mind that you are here. Plus, I will be there so they will not do anything to you,"

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