Dreaming Of Her

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[Inspired by OneRepublic - Counting Stars]

I recommend listening to the song whilst reading.

Kara lay her head on the pillow, but as soon as that familiar face appeared in her imagination, she knew she'd be awake for a while. Sighing, she rolled over and looked out of her window whilst she thought about her. The woman who had walked into her life one day, and that she hoped would never leave. Well, technically it had been her who'd walked into Lena's when she'd walked into her office that day with Clark.

She thought about Lena; about the way Lena smiled; that eyebrow she raised which was enough to give Supergirl butterflies; the way her lips contrasted her eyes greatly, making both of them lure her further in; the way Lena could make her blush so easily, and make her stumble over her words which, granted didn't take that much, felt different to anyone else. Another thing that felt different with only her was the friendship they had shared.

Maybe she'd just been confusing a close friendship with feelings she wasn't actually having, and she had told herself that repeatedly, but even saying that they were just friends to Lena herself didn't seem to help. She'd always been a bad liar.

She wanted to figure it out, to find the reason she felt this way, but she couldn't. No matter how hard she searched inside of herself, she couldn't find the reason; she only found herself thinking about how good it felt to be around Lena, to be in her arms.

She shouldn't enjoy it as much as she did, but she did. And when she tried to convince herself otherwise, it felt wrong.

Recently, she'd been acting off. She knew she had because everyone told her she was with every step she took. The thing is, they thought it was because she was grieving Mon-el. She had, of course, but that wasn't the primary reason. With Mon-el gone, she had nobody to distract herself from Lena. The woman had taken over her mind, and as brave as Supergirl was, Kara Zor-el wasn't bold enough to tell anyone else the reason for her peculiar behaviour. She wasn't bold enough to tell herself.

Little did she know, on the other side of National City, Lena Luthor laid across her sofa, head on one arm and feet hanging off the other. She called it a sofa, but really it was a loveseat. Still, in comparison with it's smaller counterpart opposite, calling it a sofa would be acceptable. The brunette took a swig of water from a wine glass, having been too tired after work to clean out a proper glass.

On the large, wall mounted TV was one show or another. As the ads came on, the first one showed a couple getting into a car, or more specifically a huge pick-up truck, heading out to the countryside, and stargazing. The commercial had been for the truck itself, but that wasn't what Lena's mind lingered on. Instead she fell into a trance, more of a daydream really, where she was one of those people heading out into the countryside. She wanted a break. She needed a break. But without work, she'd have nothing else to do with herself. Work consumed almost every waking second of her day. She feared that if she did  take a break, she'd be lonely.

"Lonely." Lena scoffed, "I'm a Luthor. I've been lonely my whole life."

Returning to her daydream, she realised how much she longed not to be alone anymore; and she realised who she wanted to make that a reality.

The blonde hair, steel blue eyes, pink lips. She knew who she wanted, and only with her would she want to take that break. Only with her was she no longer lonely. Only with her was she no longer a Luthor. Only with her was she truly herself; truly Lena.

She wanted more of that.

With a slight smile, she turned the TV off and headed into her bedroom, knowing what she'd be dreaming of tonight.

Author's Note: I hope everyone enjoyed the first installment of Supercorp One Shots. If you do, please leave me a comment or vote on my chapter! It helps more people find my work and if you like it, they might too. Also, if you have any suggestions or requests you can comment them or send me a message.

I know everyone reads in different paces (and not everyone will have listened to the song along with reading the chapter) but I tried to set the chapter up where it will line up with the lyrics and tempo of the song and I think it might have worked? Let me know if you noticed.

- Otter 😊

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