Little Miss. Sunshine

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Author's Note: This chapter contains spoilers for Ep 5 if you haven't seen it yet... BUT OH MY GOD WHAT EVEN ARE EMOTIONS??

The title is a reference to the cartoon characters I grew up with, not the movie which I somehow stumbled upon whilst googling to make sure I'd gotten the name right.

This would probably take place a few days (if that) after the final scene of the episode.

"Lena?" Kara asked, surprize in her voice but she smiled.

"Kara, I... I didn't get the chance to tell you before but... thank you." Lena replied. Her tone was heavy, but she was wearing armor disguised as bright red lipstick and perfectly plucked eyebrows and a business-like stare as she looked out at the city. She was leaning on the railing of Cat Grant's former office, now 'Jimmy' Olsen's, as he had suggested she called him even though, seeing as she was now technically his employer, she'd decided it'd be a one-time-thing. Of course, that rule didn't apply to Little Miss. Sunshine Kara Danvers.

"For what?" Kara asked, coming to stand beside Lena as she adjusted her glasses.

"Not giving up on me, not walking out of my life, ... for saving me." Lena's prior façade was falling. Kara chewed on her lip and thought, just for a second, that perhaps Lena knew her secret identity, that she knew it was the nervous blonde reporter who had held up a plane for her; who had refused to let her go, even if it meant the rest of the city would suffer.

Then, she realised Lena must've simply meant a different type of 'saving'.

"That's what friends are for." Kara's answer was almost robotic. It had become a routine, using that excuse for things she found herself doing for Lena.

"Mm." Lena hummed, and side-stepped so she was against Kara, "That's what friends  are for."

Her sarcasm was not lost on Kara, but when the brunette's head softly rested against Kara's shoulder, a response she had been building (most likely, 'What's that supposed to mean?') got caught in her throat. She swallowed it down, and rested her own head atop Lena's.

The pair looked out over the city, and Lena slowly felt herself smile. Kara couldn't fight her own grin, and she heard Lena's heart speed up when she put her arm around Lena's back to rub the arm furthest from her, pulling the woman a tiny bit closer in the process.

Kara's eyes closed, slowly, softly,  and she listened to the rhythm of Lena's heartbeat which was anything but either of those things.

Author's Note: This is just a rant with major spoilers, but if you haven't seen the episode you probably didn't read this or you don't really mind...

No, but seriously... what are emotions? I mean, first the Sanvers break up, which was horribly written ngl, and then the Supercorp "haha jk no homo we're sisters lol just gals being pals nothing to see here" scenario(s)... idk how to feel but still enjoyed watching Katie McGrath (AKA a precious bean) some more plus there was some decent Supercorp moments and I looooved that Kara and Sam finally got to hang out by themselves (even if they were just both trying to prove Lena innocent which is also super cute). The whole thing felt like the CW read some angsty Sanvers but got bored and stopped before the happy ending, then read some slowburn Supercorp and realised it was too gay and decided to put their own spin on it...

Anyways, what did you guys think?

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