Cats Don't Like Water

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The first time she did it was kind of a joke.

She got the idea at game night, having remembered somehow finding out that if you spray a cat with water it's like telling a dog 'no'. Somehow the group's conversation had fallen on 'What animals would we all be?'. There was a small argument with Kara about why she would be a golden retriever puppy (she insisted she wasn't, and that she was far more mature than a bouncy puppy... until she realized she wasn't).

So when Kara and Lena started full-on making out near Alex's feet where they sat in front of the sofa (why the couple didn't just sit on it nobody was sure), she excused herself to get another drink and headed into the kitchen. There she found an empty spray bottle sitting on the counter, likely one which Kara uses for cleaning, and, looking about herself to make sure nobody was spying, she filled it with water.

She got her drink, and some for Winn and James as well, and headed back into the living room where the boys were awkwardly trying to continue the game of monopoly (which Lena was absolutely smashing everyone at, of course) whilst the couple were still making out on the floor, now with Kara straddling Lena's hips. Alex held back a gag and gestured to the guys to not announce her arrival, holding up the spray bottle as though that explained why. James shot her a confused look, Winn didn't seem to notice, and Alex snook around until she was close enough to her target. She held the trigger down and made sure to thoroughly shower the girls before she stopped.

"Rao!" Kara exclaimed when the cold water hit her, instantly trying to wipe it off.

Lena sat chuckling beneath her, no matter how much she wanted to send a death glare Alex's way, but Kara did it for her. If she wasn't still wearing her glasses (and it was a miracle that they'd stayed on the whole time) the death glare may have been a little more death and a little less glare.

Alex burst out laughing, and James and Winn didn't know what to do, so they sat trying to suppress their laughs as they watched Kara climb off of Lena and storm into her bedroom. All of them noticed the way she almost broke and started laughing before she closed the door.

"What was that about?" Lena asked, her too trying to dry herself with her hands, as though it'd help.

Alex shrugged, "I read somewhere that you can discipline cats by spraying them with water."

"So... what, Kara's a cat now?" Lena asked, laughing once more.

"Pfft, no. Kara's still a bouncy retriever puppy. You're a cat." Alex said, moving to place the spray bottle on the table before deciding it would be a better to tuck it beside her on the sofa, lest Kara try to get her revenge.

The second time she did it was more of a joke.

Since the incident at game night, she'd resolved to always bring a small spray bottle with her when she hung out with the pair of girlfriends.

This time she was extremely third-wheeling on what had supposed to have been a girls day out but had turned into 'Alex comes along whilst Lena and Kara act like hopelessly romantic teenagers'.

The pair had 'stumbled' (though Alex though X-Ray vision must have been at play) upon a kissing-themed mural on a wall which looked like a Polaroid picture frame with KISS CAM scrawled above it.

"Oh my Rao, we have to!" Kara exclaimed, pulling Lena excitedly towards the graffiti. The brunette smiled like an innocent child who'd just spotted a candy store and handed Alex her phone. The redhead groaned and moved into position to take the gazillionth photo that day. When the pair got into position, however, she got an even better idea. She stealthily reached into her bag and discreetly wrapped her fingers around the spray bottle.

She set the camera onto video mode and started recording, telling the girls she was ready and they were in shot, and right when their lips connected she sprayed them, making sure the camera caught the result.

"Alex!" Lena squealed, and this time it was Kara was laughed along with her sister, "This was a $100 shirt."

"And this was water, it's fine." Alex pointed out as Lena looked down at her now drenched clothes.

"Did you at least take a photo?" Kara questioned after pecking Lena on the lips to reassure her that it was ok.

"Even better," Alex smirked, turning the screen so they could watch the video.

Lena shot playful daggers with her eyes towards the brunette, who simply stuck her tongue out sarcastically.

It was the 100th time (ok, perhaps that was an exaggeration but for Kara and Lena it did feel like that) that really took the cake.

Eliza had come down to stay in National City with the girls for Christmas and insisted on helping out with Christmas dinner, even after Kara pointed out it'd literally take a few minutes rather than hours for her to cook the turkey with her heat-vision. So Kara had helped her, and Alex did too, and Lena was excused to sit and watch TV. She wanted to help, but Alex told her there'd be too many cooks in the kitchen (when in reality she just didn't want Kara and Lena kissing everywhere she looked).

It wasn't long after Kara had been asked to chop some of the ingredients that she somehow snuck off, and Alex knew just what to do.

She retrieved the spray bottle from her bag and headed into the living room. She stopped in the doorway, however, and waited for the perfect opportunity.

Kara kissed Lena on the cheek to announce her arrival, and Lena blushed heavily. Then Kara held up a bundle of herbs between them.

"Oh, look!" She exclaimed softly, "A mistletoe."

"That's parsley." Lena corrected without even having to look up at it. It was Kara's turn to blush. "Aren't you meant to be helping Eliza in the kitchen?"

"Aw Lena, come on," Kara complained. She sported her infamous pout.

"You know you don't need an excuse to kiss me, right?" Lena chuckled and leaned back over the sofa to kiss Kara, and the blonde's hand found its way into raven locks as she deepened the kiss a little.

Alex made her move.

"You have guests." She pointed out and sprayed the girls.

"Hey!" Kara growled, raising a hand in defense, "You don't care about us when you're with Maggie!"

"Maybe we should invest in a spray bottle, Kara," Lena said, trying to hold back a smile.

"Maybe you should invest in a coffin, Luthor," Alex said sternly, but ended up spluttering before laughing at the girls' faces, Lena obviously trying not to smile and Kara sending her yet another death stare. And she thought Lena was the cat.

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