The Chocolate Capital Of The World

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//This wasn't 'inspired' by a song, per say, but I was listening to a ukulele cover of

Elvis Presley - Can't Help Falling In Love

without any singing because I'm the sappiest hopeless romantic out there soooo...\\

Fight Me.

"Kara!" Lena exclaimed when the young reporter entered her office.

"Hi, Lena." Kara smiled back and made her way towards the desk. Lena stood and they hugged, though briefly, before Lena continued.

"And why have you graced me with your presence, today? " Lena leaned her hips against the desk instead of moving back to her seat, and the blonde didn't step back either, leaving them dangerously close.

"Well, actually..." Fixing her glasses, Kara held out a small, plain white box, which Lena took with a grateful nod, "I know how hard you've been working lately, what with having to run L-Corp and  CatCo at the same time. Thank you, for that, by the way. I don't think I properly thanked you yet but that was, that was quite the save. If it weren't for you CatCo would've been-"

"Kara." Lena interrupted the blonde who seemed to have forgotten how to breathe, "You're rambling." She opened the box in her hands and saw a selection of different types of chocolates and truffles.

"Right. Sorry. Anyway, I heard somewhere that chocolate relieves stress. Well, that and puppies and I couldn't really surprise you with a puppy, so I got you some chocolate from Belgium. Brussels, actually." Kara explained, still rambling a little. When she mentioned where she'd gotten it from, her jaw clenched as she prepared for Lena to question her on if she went to Belgium just for some chocolate, but thankfully she didn't. She must've assumed they were imported.

Lena smirked a little, looking into Kara's steel blue eyes with her own kryptonite green ones, before taking one of the truffles from the box. It was round and almost black, with lighter brown powder covering it.

"The chocolate capital of the world." She smiled, looking the truffle over before taking a small bite out of it, maintaining eye contact with the blonde the whole time.

Kara made a strange expression, almost like a grimace, as she waited for Lena's response. Lena almost laughed at that, but managed to suppress it. What she couldn't suppress, however, was the loud moan of delight and the way her eyes rolled back in her head when the flavor hit her. It was definitely the best chocolate she had ever eaten.

The blonde noticed Lena's body visibly relax as she popped the rest of the truffle into her mouth, and Kara relaxed too.

"Good?" She asked smiling at the CEO's reaction.

"Yes!" Lena replied, having to used the back of her free hand to hide her mouth from view so Kara's wouldn't have to see it's contents.

"Good. Good, I'm glad." Kara let out a breathy laugh while Lena looked at the box with a small frown, searching for a logo or name or any other clue as to where Kara bought them.

"Where did you get these from?" Lena asked, raised a curious eyebrow.

'Uh-oh' Kara thought.

"I told you, Belgium."

"Now I know you didn't fly to Belgium to buy me some chocolate and then fly back in the space of... since I saw you this morning." Lena replied, eyes narrowing a little. Kara panicked, but then realised her eyes had narrowed because she was smiling so widely. Somehow, not a spot of chocolate had stained her white teeth.

"Oh, I-..." Kara took a moment to think about an answer before responding, "I have a friend who went there, and... they were coming back today, and I asked them to bring some over for... you."

Her answer wasn't very believable, and her frequent pauses and complete lack of eye contact didn't help much in that, but Lena simply nodded and set the box on the desk beside her. She then proceeded to simply watch Kara for a while, in utter silence. Finally, when Kara looked back at Lena and realised she'd been watching her for quite some time, both of them blushed but Kara blushed the most.

"Well, I should probably get goi-" Kara jutted her thumb over her shoulder at the door.

"Have you ever been to Brussels?" Lena asked, ignoring Kara's movements.

"Um... well, yeah." Kara answered, trying her hardest not to give herself away.

"Hmm... We should go together sometime." Lena nodded slowly, then seemed to snap out of some sort of trance, "Well, Kara Danvers, I assume I shall be seeing you tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow? Why would you-..." Kara's voice trailed off, as did her eyes.

"You've been making a habit of visiting me, Kara, usually at least once a day."

"I have?" Lena nodded, and Kara continued, "Yes, tomorrow, maybe... See you tomorrow, Lena." The blonde smiled and turned to leave.

"See you tomorrow, Kara."

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