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[Inspired By Imagine Dragons - Demons]

I feel like this song was a no-brainer...

Lena sighed and looked down at her desk when she noticed Kara, of all people, walk into her office. The blonde cleared her throat, thinking perhaps Lena hadn't seen her come in. When she gained no response, she decided to jump straight into the reason she had come.

"Why are you shutting me out Lena?" Kara asked, crossing her arms in front of her as she stood right in front of the desk.

"I'm not." Lena responded without looking up at the taller woman.

"Yes, you are Lena! Ever since Lillian turned up again, you've been shutting me out." Kara persisted. She saw Lena's walls, she'd encountered them before, but she hoped Lena trusted her enough to let them down, if only for a few brief moments.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." Lena said, her voice monotonous and professional as she set down her pen and finally looked up at Kara. Looking into Lena's eyes scared her a little, for the Lena she knew wasn't there. Or rather, she was... but broken. Kara could glimpse it through the cold, almost-dead look she was receiving.

 "Lena, you- I don't know what's going on with you, but you've got to let me in. Please, Lena. Don't do this to me." For a second, Lena's face softened. Only for a second though. Then she was back to normal so Kara continued, "Since your mothe- Lillian came back, you've been becoming more and more distant. You've been ignoring my calls, ditching plans last minute, you haven't even let me interview you anymore!"

"Kara, I-" Lena seemed to pause for a moment while she thought about what to say, "You want the truth?"

Kara nodded.

"I've been using you, Kara." Lena lied. She grew up in a house with the most deceptive people in the world; not only could she tell when someone was lying to her, she also knew how to lie.

"Wha- What do you mean?" Kara questioned, pushing her glasses further up her nose and looking down for a second before back at the woman behind the desk.

"I've been using you." Lena repeated, "When I inherited this business, I knew I needed to change it's image. Part of the process was changing it's name, but the press had a huge role in swaying people's opinions of me and my position as CEO. I needed good press, you gave it to me. You did your job for me, and I don't need you anymore."

"That's... that's not true. That can't be true."

"Did you forget I am a Luthor?" Lena raised a brow, and Kara closed her eyes, taking a deep breath.

"Lena, you are not  like them. You're different."

"No, Kara. I am a Luthor. I am exactly  like them!" Lena retorted, standing and slamming a hand down on the table, making Kara flinch, but Kara could see the tears threatening to well in the brunette's eyes.

Kara, knowing there were only two ways this conversation would end, nodded subtly and turned to leave. She listened intently for any sign that Lena wanted her to stay, and it wasn't long until she received one.

"Don't go." Lena muttered, too quiet for any human to hear. So quiet, in fact, it was most likely unintentional, and she probably hadn't even heard it herself.

Turning on her heels, Kara saw that Lena stood with her hand buried in her face, her silent sobbing only noticeable by the unsteady rise and fall of her chest and the slight shaking of her body. Smiling, though sadly, Kara was there within a second. She scooped Lena into a tight embrace, and Lena turned into her, allowing herself to cry there in the blonde's arms for the first time in what seemed like forever.

Author's Note:One of my biggest pet peeves is when somebody is writing fanfiction and they make strong characters unnecessarily weak or 'broken', but here I am doing it. Call me a hypocrite... because I guess that's what I am. Anyway, I hoped you enjoyed this chapter!

- Otter

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