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Lena took another swig of the already-half-empty wine glass she had poured merely minutes ago. It was her... fifth? - that night. All the while she had been drinking, the face of one of her employees and friends had been on her mind. She laughed as she remembered when Kara had told her she 'flew here on... on a bus.' one of the first times they'd met. Every little thing about Kara drew her closer, but that was dangerous. She'd end up hurting Kara somewhere down the line like she ended up hurting everyone she knew, everything she touched. She wasn't worth the endless forgiving and belief she received from Kara.

She heard her phone buzz. It was a phone call from Kara herself. Lena went to pick it up- no. She won't do this to Kara. She won't hurt her. The only way to do that is through isolation. The phone rang, and rang a little more, and then stopped. Lena heard a light knock on the door, assumed it was the food she'd ordered but suddenly didn't feel like eating, and stumbled towards it.

Apparently, her stumbling was enough for the person on the other side to open the door abruptly and dash into the penthouse.

"Lena!" The blonde exhaled softly and engulfed Lena in a hug, "I've been trying to call you all day and I- I asked Supergirl if she knew where you were but she couldn't find you anywhere in the city but then, she heard you laugh an-"

"Kara, please leave." Lena slurred, and Kara pulled out of the hug and frowned at her.

"How much have you had to drink?"

Lena shrugged.

Kara took the glass from her hand and moved to the sofa to take the bottle from there, putting both in the kitchen out of arms reach.

Lena sighed. She knew she couldn't fight Kara over this, not in this state at least. She'd tried before. Instead, when the blonde came to hug her once more, she slowly returned the gesture.

She could spend one last night with her best-friend-who-she-had-secretly-fallen-for, right?

She could just isolate herself tomorrow... except she worked practically full time, in the same building, in the same floor.

Maybe she could last a little longer before she became the Luthor she was destined to become.

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