1 * new bestie

810 22 30

||Park Jimin as Park Jimin
||Jeon Jungkook as Jeon Jungkook
||Rest of BTS as rest of BTS
||You as Song Bomi (only if you want this to be an x reader, though)

Song Bomi walked down the halls of her new school, not phased at all by the stares she got from people. It was her first day there, what else would you expect from the oblivious students?

Song Bomi was a rather...unique person, per say. If I would call her anything, it would be Meme Lord. But she's like, level 420, Meme Lord.

Bomi was also quite a good looking fella. She had long, pretty, light brown hair, doughy, brown eyes, and a very nice body structure.

But she was hella short

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But she was hella short. Like, it was sad. Her mom also made fun of her all the time for it. Her mom was litty👌. Her dad also made fun of her all the time. Bomi and her parents had an adoring relationship with each other. Most people's hearts warmed up when they would joke around or anything of the sort.

5 minutes before first period begins

Bomi reached into her locker for her text book, when someone slammed her locker shut....on her fingers.

"oooOoOoOoOoOOoW!! What the fork, man?!" The poor victim whined as she held onto her fingers.

'I'm finna throw some rOUNDS!'

"Okay, bitch. What demon sent you here to crush my fingers and- holy broom sticks—you're fine as fuck!" An angel stood before the girl. Park Jimin. The beautiful specimen just smirked at the girl.

"Easily distracted and feisty– haven't seen that before."

"Yeah, I know. I'm fabulous." Bomi flipped her hair dramatically behind her shoulder. What else would a fabulous person like Bomi do?

"What's your name, new girl?" Jimin leaned against her locker, uncomfortably close to Bomi. Well....okay, not uncomfortable. Bomi was struggling to not say something perverted.

"Song Bomi."

"Hmmmm, okay. I'm Park Jimin."

"Park Jimin." Bomi repeated, smiling at the name. She liked it. And she most definitely liked him- well, so far she did.

"What's your first period?" Jimin asked, yet another question.

"Uhhhh," Bomi pulled out her schedule from the depths of her already messy and disorganized backpack, "math."

"Nice, me too. Wanna walk with me?" Jimin leaned closer, cocking an eyebrow.



"Can I leave now? I don't even know why my mom put me into this school. Like, I can't do any educational shit," Bomi complained. Jimin just rolled his eyes and continued to look up front.

'kill me now. kill me now. kill me now,' Bomi chanted in her head. She hated math. She hated school. She hated that random kid picking his nose in the back of the classroom. She hated the random winks the guy sitting 2 seats to the left of her was sending. She hated the girl that kept coughing without covering her mouth. And she really hated the girl painting her nails under her desk...the nail polish smelt bad. Like, it smelt like it had been in her basement for 28 years.

"Ah, Bomi. Since you're our new comer, would you like to answer this question?" Her teacher, Mr. Lee, asked.

"nOPE! No thanks, I'm good." Bomi saluted Mr. Lee with two fingers.

"Oh come on, you have to be pretty smart to get into this school, I'm sure you could do it" Mr. Lee encouraged.

"My parents are very likable people, that's probably how I got in," Bomi shrugged. Mr. Lee sighed and carried on with the normal class procedures.


The day went by slow. Really. Slow. But for Bomi, it was okay. She had Jimin in all of her classes. An angel would be in her presence at all times. Nice.

"So, where do you live?" Jimin asked as the two exited the school's front entrance.

"You know that new coffee shop about a 20 minute drive from here?" Jimin nodded.

"That's my family's. My space is on the upper level, my parents in the basement," Bomi informed.

"So where's your ride?" Jimin questioned. Bomi held up a hand, signalling for the boy to wait. She jogged over to a bush and brought out a penny board from behind it.

 She jogged over to a bush and brought out a penny board from behind it

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She made her way back to Jimin and held it up.

"This here, is my ride," Bomi stated.

"That far on a penny board?? That's gotta be boring and exhausting," Jimin spoke.

"Not really, it's quite relaxing while listening to music," Bomi countered. Jimin shrugged. They both said their goodbyes and went their seperate ways. Jimin hopped into his dad's car; Bomi plugged in her ear buds and started towards her home.


"Bomi!~" The said girl's mother cheered as she stepped out from behind the counter of their shop.

"Hi, Momma," Bomi smiled, kissing her beloved mother on the cheek.

"Where's the old man?" Bomi asked, looking for her dad.

"Last minute business trip. You know how he is with all of his jobs," Her mother sadly smiled. They loved the old man to death, but he wasn't around often.

"Hey, you've been at it all day. Go downstairs and relax, I'll take over till closing time." Bomi ushered her mother towards the staircase. She thanked her daughter before going down the steep steps.

Bomi went behind the counter and threw an apron on, immediately starting her work.


The bell dinged, stating someone had entered the shop. Bomi shuffled over to where she could be seen.

"Jimin?" Bomi tilted her head as she saw the said boy waving at her.

"I'd thought I'd come visit since I was just sitting around doing nothing."

"Ah, okay. Would you like anything?" Bomi politely asked.

"Nah, I'm just here to chill with my new bestie." Jimin gave his eye smile.

"New bestie?"

"Mmhm, I like you. You're fun and different. So, now you're my new bestie."

"Okay then....new – bestie.."

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