14 * realization

119 6 56

"I think you're about ready...can you start tomorrow?" Mr. Won, Bomi's new boss, asked as the two sat in the man's office.

"Uh, yeah. Sure. What time?" Bomi questioned, not wanting to lose her job so soon.

"Be here around 9:00pm, your shift will start around 9:30pm and end around 12:30am. You'll be working with one of my most trusted employees, so treat him with respect," Mr. Won directed. Bomi nodded and thanked the man before heading towards Jimin's house since Jungkook had an old friend over. She didn't want to intrude.

Bomi knocked lightly on Jimin's door, and he opened it fairly quick.

"I didn't get the fucking job." Jimin huffed. Bomi was a little stunned that, that was the first thing he said to her, but shook it off.

"Sorry, man. Better luck next time," Bomi shrugged, making her way inside Jimin's house.

"No. That means you have to quit. You're not working there without me." Jimin stated firmly. Bomi rolled her eyes.

"I'll be fine, Jimin! Please, don't worry so much.." Bomi spoke. She really needed him to stop before her heart jumped out of her chest.

"Fine.....but please...please be careful."

"I will, I will. Take a chill pill, Bill," Bomi joked and Jimin couldn't help but snort.


"Lame-o loseerrr!"


"Noona....can y-you come back," Jungkook's voice rang through the phone. Bomi immediately stood up and began to worry.

"Kookie? Have you been crying?" Bomi was already grabbing her things by now, Jimin giving her a confused look.

"Just plea-ease come b-back," Jungkook sniffled.

"Yeah, I'll uh, be there as soon as possible, kay?" Bomi frantically asked.

"Okay..." Jungkook then hung up.

"Sorry to cut our time short, Jimin-ah, but Jungkook is crying and he wants me home...so...cya later..?"

"Mkay...tell me what happened later? I'm kinda worried myself," Jimin sheepishly chuckled. Bomi smiled and nodded before rushing to Jungkook's house.


"Kookie? Where are you??" Bomi spoke through the house.

"My room," Jungkook's shaky voice rang. Bomi clumsily made her way upstairs and ran in Jungkook's room.

"N-Noona," Jungkook cried as he
stumbled over to Bomi and held her tightly. Bomi quickly hugged the boy back. Her heart was shattering at the sight of an unhappy Jungkook.

"What happened? Why are you crying?? Are you okay? Hurt? Did--"

"Please just hold me....I need that for a bit," Jungkook whispered. Bomi shut up immediately and squeezed Jungkook tighter, him doing the same.


"Kookie...you ready to tell me yet?" Bomi slightly pulled away from the hug, just enough to see Jungkook's face. Jungkook gulped and nodded. Said boy pulled Bomi over to his bed, so the two could sit.

"N-Noona....I-Im so confused," Jungkook started. Bomi furrowed her eyebrows and told him to go on.

"Promise not t-to hate me?" Bomi frowned at that. How could he ever think she'd hate him? Heck, she was basically falling for him!

"Pinky promise," Bomi quickly put a smile back on and put up her pinky. Jungkook lightly chuckled and interlocked their pinkies before continuing on.

"N-Noona....I think-- I think I'm bi." Bomi froze. She was not expecting that.

"See! I knew you'd hate me!" Jungkook began crying again.

"No! No, no, no, not at all! I'm just surprised, that's all!" Bomi panicked. She hated the feeling of making Jungkook feel rotten. Jungkook just continued sobbing and eventually crashed into Bomi, hugging her again. Bomi gladly returned the hug.

"We'll talk about it later, okay? Right now I think you just need some sleep," Bomi suggested. Jungkook agreed and pulled Bomi down onto the bed with him. He ended up cuddling her like it was the last time he'd ever see her. He was so....scared of losing Bomi for some reason, and he didn't dare risk it.


"Noona, please wake up," Jungkook mumbled, slightly nudging Bomi. The boy had just woken up and he wanted to cuddle an awake Bomi....but Bomi had other plans.

"Noona....if you don't get up, I'll kiss you," Jungkook tested. Bomi didn't budge. Jungkook sighed, "you leave me no choice."

Jungkook lightly cupped Bomi's face in his hands and leaned down, placing a small kiss on her lips. Bomi immediately shot up, her hand covering her mouth. She stared at Jungkook with wide eyes.

"You just-- that was--- what the fuck?!" Bomi burst. She was shocked, confused, and....happy..?

"You wouldn't wake up, soooo..."

"But you just-- my first-- that was my first kiss!" Jungkook's eyes widened. He didn't even think about that...yet he wasn't necessarily upset about it. In a way, he felt kind of satisfied.

"O-Oh...sorry, Noona, I didn't--"

"No, no, it's fine.... just...forget about it...?"

"But Noona, what if I don't want to forget?"

The two stared at each other. One of them shocked, one of them determined.

Jungkook was determined.

Jungkook slowly started to lean forward, Bomi was frozen in place.

Then it happened.

Jungkook's eyelids fluttered shut as he placed his lips onto Bomi's and began to kiss her. Bomi didn't know how she felt, but her heart sure as hell did. She responded to the kiss after a few seconds even though she was kinda hesistent, for she had no clue how to kiss. The kiss wasn't rough nor eager. It was soft, slow, and passionate.

"Noona, I think-- I think I've fallen hard for you," Jungkook admits after hesitantly pulling away. Their foreheads were pressed together and they were getting lost in each other's eyes.

"I'd be lying if I said I was positive I didn't feel the same," Bomi smiled. But both of their smiles fell quickly and they both spoke the same words.

"But I don't think you're the only one I've fallen for."

i feel like this is rushed and trashy ;-(

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