Chapter One - Getting The Grade

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Lana's POV

I sighed as the professor walked around the class, handing out the graded papers. I REALLY need an A+ in this class it's not even funny. Math is my weakest subject and is the only subject that I have to pass to get my degree. I'm not even sure why I have to take this class. I'm studing to be a English teacher after all! Like my Uncle Billy always says, "The first year is the hardest year, then your doing something wrong."

As Mr. Kristle walks by, I pray a silent prayer. "Miss. Silverton. I will like to speak to you after class." He then continued down the row. I sink down in my chair and lean my head back. Well, there goes my degree.

(After The Bell)

I took a deep breath and stood from my desk. Here it goes. "Silverton, please come to my desk." Slowly I make my way to his desk. "Now I'm sure that you are conserned about your grades. It is still just the second quarter as I don't think it'll affect too much." He pulled my math test out. "You had a perfect score." It took everything in me not to scream. I passed the test! I wouldn't fail the secound quarter!

"Thank you so much sir." I said and he dismissed me.

I ran all the way back to my dorm and called my best friend Avril. "I PASSED! I GOT AN A+!!!!" She screamed on the other side. "YAY! I totally failed that class!" I rolled my eyes. Avril was so unlike me. I was a study girl and she was a just to pass girl.

"Look, I'm really happy for you, but I've got a date with that hot guy from 4H. I got to go. Bye!" I smiled. "Bye!" I hung up and set my phone it the side of my little study table. I opened my laptop and checked my emails. "Seven new emails." The fake auto woman said in her dull monotone voice. "Thank you, weird voice."

My eyes scanned over the messages. "Wattpad, Facebook, Instagram, and... who is this?" There was a weird email from and unknown sender right down at the bottom. I clicked it and read the beginning:

Dear Sontina,

I really enjoyed our date. I hope you can talk soon.

- Gianluca

I stared at the screen. Umm... what? I crossed my arms over my chest and re-read it. Should I reply? Should I just delete it? I wonder who Sontina is and why they're talking over email. But it's none of my business. Absolutely none of my business. I quickly hit the reply button.

Dear Gianluca,

I am sorry to inform you that this is not Sonina's email address. I am really sorry. Have a nice day!

- Lana

I then deleted all my emails and turned my computer off. Well, it's not every day that you get a weird email from an unknown stranger. I'll have to remember to tell Avril when she gets back from her date.

I walk to my bed and lay down. Slowly, I fall alseep, dreaming of the letter.

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