Chapter Two - Who Is This Lana?

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Gianluca's POV

I laughed as Ignazio and Piero started dancing on the stage during Piero's solo. I swear they're two birds of a feather. When the song finally ended the crowd cheered loud. It always surprised me how much our fame has grown from where we were. The music to our last song started to play, and I was sad it was amost over.

I took a deep breath and started a song:

When we kiss my heart's on fire,

burning with a strange desire,

and I know each time I kiss you, that your heart's on fire too.

Ignazio started up and I started swaying to the music. This is my life. And I am so glad to live it.

After The Concert)

I laughed at the joke Ignazio made and then said goodnight. I opened my apartment's door and walked in. Even though I enjoy singing all around the world, it sure did take a lot out or you. I shrugged my jacket off and walked over to my laptop. I quickly open it up and turned on my emails. This girl I met at a club was so nice and beautiful that I couldn't help but ask for her email.

My eyes scan through my messages till I saw her number. I quickly clicked on it and read:

Dear Gianluca,

                         I am sorry to inform you that this is not Sontina's email address. I am really sorry. Have a nice day!

                                   - Lana

I re-read and re-read the email. How can that be? I was so sure it was her number! Why would she give me someone else's?

I slammed the top down and pushed my laptop off my bed. I can't believe I fell for that. Slowly I laid back down against the pillow on my bed and thought about the letter. Who is this Lana?

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