Chapter Five - One Look

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Lana's POV

I walked into my apartment and ran to my computer. Sure enough, he had replied.

Dear Lana,

So I somehow found my way to a coffee shop. Guess what I just happened to forget to order? Yeah, you guessed it. A triple caramel and chocolate frozen mocha. It's funny how my prediction came true!



I started to send a reply when I got a new email... From him. I clicked on the message and read the following-

Dearest Lana,

Too dramatic? I'm sorry for breaking your "no two email rule", but I had to send this. While I was sitting at the one closed coffee shop, a woman walked in, this is the part you'll find amusing, a man sitting in the back called your name! Your name! It was really strange I must say. I couldn't help but watch her and think of you. She caught me staring at her a couple of times and then said hi to me as she left. I know we haven't "talked" very long, but we don't really know anything about each other personally. Like, what color is your hair? Your eye color or wether or not you prefer lipgloss or lipstick? That was weird I know, but I couldn't think of anything else at the moment. So, how are you?



I re-read and then re-re-read it. Was he the man that I saw at the café? No, he couldn't be... Could he? I shut my laptop and walked to my bed. I jumped on it and fell asleep, my tv show completely forgotten.

(Two Months Later)

Lana's POV

I laughed at my text from Ned. 'You're so weird!😝' I replied. It'd be a really long time since I'd talked to Gianluca. I sent him a reply email telling him that it was weird and that I was doing fine... he never answered back. I opened my laptop and scrolled around Instagram. Ugly, not funny, relatable, so not actually wanting people to look at your shoes...

Suddenly my email pops up. '1 New Email From GL'. I squealed and clicked on it.


Two updates in one day! Yay!




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