Chapter Six - The Email That Changed Everything

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Lana's POV

Dear L,
I am so sorry for not replying. I was traveling around the world again. You know, I can't stop thinking about that day when I saw a girl who's name was Lana too. Um I'm just going to go ahead and say it. Lana, I want to meet you. I want to see what this fascinating girl who I think I'm beginning to fall in love with is. Maybe you don't feel the same, but I will never know. If you want to meet me go to a nearby SweetBay. If you're who I think you are you'll know which one I'm talking about. We may be a million miles apart or just down the street. I'm willing to take the chance... are you? If so, how's 5 @ SweetBay sound? I could finally try a triple chocolate and caramel frozen mocha? I hope to see you later. :)

I gasped and looked at the time. 4:30. Should I go? I tapped my fingers on my keyboard. What should I reply with? Do I want to risk going and having everything I thought he would be, be completely wrong. I shut my computer. What? If I'm going to go I've got to look good.

(After Shower And Picking Out A Outfit)

I took one last look. A pink, white, and red floral knee-length dress, tan flats, and a brown leather jacket. I had curled my already wavy brownish-red hair... and applied lipgloss. Yes I decided to be girly. I glanced at the clock. 5:15?! I really need to get it together! I ran/speed-walked to the SweetBay.

I burst through the coffee shop door...


I'm sorry it's so short but I had to do it! I didn't want to ruin it till the next time!

I'll update soon! Bye!

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