Chapter Four - Typing... Typing... Typing... Sent.

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Lana's POV

I laughed at Gianluca's email. For two weeks we'd been emailing each other and I've learned more about him than I know about most people. He's Italian, has a dog, he travels all the time and doesn't really ever get to see his family, he always travels with his two friends (Piero and Ignazio I think he said), and he enjoys talking to me. 

Honestly, I am addicted to talking to him. Whenever we don't talk, I feel sad. Is that wrong? 

I looked down to see another email waiting for me. I clicked on it and read-

Dear L,

           What can I say? I just like coffee better than a triple caramel and chocolate frozen mocha! Actually I've never had a mocha. I know it's crazy, but I just don't ever think about it until I've already ordered. You know what I mean? 



I laughed and typed a reply. 

Dear Luca,

                  You're crazy! All I think about is my mocha! It's gotten to the point where I can go to the coffee shop and they are already writing my order down! Maybe I need to lay off them... nah. I bet you'd like it if you tried it. One day I'm going to make you drink one and you're going to L-O-V-E it!

                                                     - L

I pushed send and sat back. Someone coughed behind me and I spun around to see Avril. I smiled. "Oh, hey. When did you get here?" She arched her eyebrow. My smile faultered. "Did I forget something important?" She nodded and frowned. "Oh, Avril, I'm so sorry! I've just been working on something and I totally forgot." She sat down on the edge of the bed, next to me. "He was really upset." Wait, what? "Who are you talking about?" She sighed. "My cousin, Ned. After all these years of liking your sorry butt he finally asks you out. And on the day of the date, guess who's at home on her computer talking to some stranger who accidently got her number?" 

I put my head in my hands. "I totally forgot about Ned. Avril how am I going to make it up to him?" She tapped her chin. "Well, you could go get ready and meet him down at SweetBay?" I nodded. "Yeah, I guess I- wait, how do you know he's going to be down there?" She shrugged. "I may or may not have set up a make-up date, claiming you wanted to try again?" 

I gasped and pushed her. "You didn't! What if I had plans?" She rolled her eyes. "Sitting at your computer and email a stranger is not "plans". You are seriously addicted to talking to him." "Yeah, I know. Now get out so I can get ready to go on my "date"." She laughed and left me alone on my bed. I turned back to my computer to see I got another message from Luca. I sighed and turned my laptop off. I need to get a life.

(After Getting Ready) 

I looked at myself one last time in the mirror. I was wearing my black skinny jeans, my "I Heart Geeks" shirt, and my dark blue Keds. Perfect enough. 

I grabbed my keys and walked out of the door. When I got to the coffee shop, I looked around for Ned. "Lana, over here!" I turned to see Ned sitting towards the back with two cups in his hand. When I got closer I saw that it was a triple caramel and chocolate frozen mocha, my favorite. "Ned, you shouldn't have!" He smiled and stood. "Of course I should. You are my date after all." I blushed. Wait, I actually blushed. 

He noticed and he smiled bigger. I went to sit down and he pushed in my chair for me, then sat across from me. "So, how's that big report coming along?" I knew what he meant. "Um, it's going okay. Look I'm really sorry about standing you up. It wasn't intentional I promise." He shrugged. "Well, you're here now aren't you? Let's just forget it. How about we pretend that you didn't miss it and this is the first date." I laughed. "Deal." 

I felt as if someone was watching me. I looked over to see a man sitting at a table towards the front of the room. He had his lap top and was staring at the screen like he was waiting for something. He smiled a little at me and I looked away. That was weird. 

"Lana?" Ned asked. "Sorry! I zoned out." We both laughed. "I think you just described my life." He said, making me laugh harder. I then found us talking about where we'd meet the next time. Wait, am I planning a thir- second date with him? I looked at him and smiled. Yeah, I most definatley was. We both just started looking at each other. Neither one of us were talking, but it was filled with so  many words. 

Just as I was about to say something, my clock went off. I looked down to see it was 6:00. Oh, no! I quickly stood up, follwed by Ned. "What is it?" I laughed and blushed. "It's just, my favorite show comes on in a few minutes and I don't want to miss it." He laughed. "I understand that. Well, our "first date" was nice. Thank you." I smiled. "My pleasure." We hugged and I turned to leave. When I looked over, that guy was still looking at me. 

"Hi." I said as I passed him. He smiled and I left. That was weird. As I made my way home I remembered that I didn't check my email before I left. I hope Luca replied...


Gianluca's POV

I stared at my computer screen and re-read my email. It'd been 3 hours since I sent it and she hadn't replied. I know, I know, she's probably busy but I wish she wasn't. I was currently sitting at a coffee shop near some college. Didn't Lana say she was still in college? I can't remember. 

Suddenly I heared the bell on the door go off and I looked up to see a girl around 21 walk in. She was absolutely beautiful. Just as I was about to say something to her someone else got my attension. "Lana!" A man in the back yelled. What? Could it be the same Lana that I am addicted to talking to? It can't be. The same girl that just walked in walked over to him. I tried to listen to their conversation to see if I could pick up anything familiar. Think Gianluca, think! 

Then I remembered. He was the guy that had ordered a triple caramel and chocolate frozen mocha. I watched as he handed it to her. Oh my. It was her. It was my Lana- I mean Lana. She noticed me looking at her and turned to look at me. I smiled and she turned back to her date. 

Time passed and then she stood to leave. She passed by me and said hi. Of course I was too stupid to say anything to make her stop and talk to me. As she walked out the door I contemplated following her. No, too stalkerish. I sighed and shut my computer. I've got to be imagining the whole thing. It wouldn't be as simple as see her in a coffee shop would it? I blinked and looked over to see another couple sitting where they were. Yeah, I just imagined it. 

I stood up and grabbed my stuff. I walked out the door and started off in the other direction to my hotel. Man are the boys going to want to hear this. 


Hey guys! I updated yay! The girl on the side is how I imagine Lana!





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