Chapter Seven - The Meet and The End

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Gianluca's POV

I sat at the coffee shop where I first saw Lana. Would she be willing to meet me? Or would she block me and never talk to me again? I had recently been on tour and didn't have time to talk to her. Wow, I'm sure a loser. I tapped my foot and stared at the triple chocolate and caramel frozen mochas sitting in front of me. Hope she's in the mode for a mocha. Judging by how much she talks about them I'd say even if she wasn't she would drink it anyway.

I felt so tacky with a sign that said "Are You Lana?" waiting by my side for when she walks in. It just kinda screamed 'I'm desperate'. Maybe I am. Well, as Ignazio said when I told him what happened, "If you're desperate, I guess you can say that you're desperate for her."

I looked at my watch once again to check the time. 5:18. I sighed. I hope she'll be here soon.

Lana's POV

I slowed down when I got a few stores away.

I felt myself shake. What if he doesn't like me? What if I don't like him, most importantly? 'It'll be okay Lana just calm down.' That voice in my head said trying to calm me down. Trying, that is. I took a shaky breath and took the last few steps that led me outside the café. I took yet another breath. It'll be okay, it'll be okay, it'll be okay.

I finally pushed the door open.

Here goes nothing.


The End! Hahahaha!

I'm just kidding. Sorry. I really thought about just leaving it like that and letting you guess what happens, but I can't do that. Okay sorry for blabbing.

Back to the story now...


Third Person's POV

She opened the door and walked in. A man towards the back snapped his head forward and he shuffled for his sign. He held up the sign and she turned to see him. She nodded and began to walk towards him. Little did they know, that that meeting would change both of their lives.

Gianluca's POV

I looked up and saw her walk in. Wow. Beautiful was an understatement. I quickly reached for my sign and held it up. I watched in amazement as she began to walk my way. This was it. It's was now or never.

Lana's POV

I walked in and looked around. Suddenly out of the corner of my eye I see a flash of something. I turned to see a sign that said "Are You Lana?" I smiled and looked at the man. I gasped. He was... everything I imagined and more. My heart fluttered in my chest and I walked towards him. Man, I really hope he isn't a creeper.

(A Couple Of Years Later, Third Person's POV)

A couple walked through the park, hand in hand. "I still can't believer you're a opera singer." The man laughed. "Well, I am. It it weird, I am sure, for you to have a Italian opera singer for a boyfriend." It was then her turn to laugh. "It least he's perfect for me." She rested her head on his shoulder and he kissed the top of her head. "Che Bella..." He whispered into her ear. She blushed and looked besides them.

"Hey! It's a SweetBay! We have to go get our drink." He smiled. "Of course we do!" They laughed and walked into the café.

After ordering their drinks they sat in the same place that they had originally met. "You know, I've been hoping you'd want to come here." She took a sip of her drink. "And why is that?" He smiled and reached into his pocked. "Because of this." He pulled out a creased and extremely wrinkled sign.

"Oh! It's the sign that we met with!" She said. He smiled and then shoot his head. "No, actually it's not."

She frowned. "Then what is it-" He stood up and kneeled next to her. He opened the sign to revel a very new looking paper inside. "Luca what are you-" "I love you. The last few years of my life have been amazing with you at my side. I would be honored if you, My Amazing Lana, would marry me." He opened the paper to revel a sign that said, "Once I asked if it was you, but now I'm asking to say with you. You said yes to the first, now how about the second?"

She smiled and kissed him. 'Of course I will."


The (Actual) End.

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