Chapter Three- Oh hello...

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Lana's POV

The second I awoke I checked my emails. Sure enough there was a reply waiting for me.

Dear Lana,

Thanks for telling me. Sorry for the inconvenience.



I deleted the message and checked the other ones. I finished and went to look around Instagram. Seriously girls, we know that you aren't really asking about your shoes. Ugh, trashy. Suddenly my mail sign popped on. I clicked on it to see that I got another email... From Gianluca.

Gianluca's POV

I turn my computer on and type a reply. After sending it, I checked my other emails and realized I didn't really have anyone to talk to. Maybe this Lana girl won't mind talking to me? It's worth a shot. I open a new email and begin to type.

Dear Lana,

Um, I'm not really sure how to say this, but will you continue to email me? I don't really have anyone to talk to. I travel a lot and don't really have the time to call anyone. Don't think of me as a creeper, please. I'm just lonely.



I clicked send and waited. Would she answer?

I looked down to see she replied. I quickly clicked on it and read it.

Dear Gianluca,

Uh, sure I guess. Not really big on talking to strangers but, sure. But, let's make an agreement. I'll make a list and you see if you like it. If not, I won't reply.

1. No too personal information.

2. We don't talk about meeting up.

3. We don't bother each other if one doesn't reply fast.


- Lana

I leaned back and wrapped my hands around my neck. I replied with one word.



Yay! Updated!




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