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Harry's POV:

Thank god I got here without anybody noticing.

I was getting out of the toilets and suddenly I ran into a girl.

I was strong enough not to fall, but she..

She fell on her back and she was in pain.

When she lifted up her head, I apologized to her.

"Sorry, I didn't see you. Are you okay? 😳"

But she wasn't in pain anymore. She was looking at me like I'm extraterrestrial.

And then I knew why..

She is wearing a 1D T-shirt.

Oh no! She's a fan!

"Hey, look.. I'm sorry! But don't scream, please. Okay? Please! There's a lot of fans out there and.. Please don't scream." I ask her gently not to make her freak out.

But she only nods.

I give her my hand to help her get up but she only stares at it.

So, I hold her from her shoulders and help her get up.

Her eyes' colour is like chocolate. She's wearing a scarf on her head. She's Muslim, then.

I figured out that I was staring at her too.

"uh.. Are you okay?" I ask her hesitantly.

She's still staring at me.

She nods and I can tell she had a big shock that she's in a loss of words.

Maryem's POV:

"Y-y... Yeah, I'm.. I'm fine! Yeah, yeah. Don't worry about me.. Just.. I'm fine, yeah.."  هذاكه آش نجمت نقول.

يا يمه وخيتي و الله هاري ستايلز بكلو واقف قدامي و يحكي معايه. لا لا لا.. هذي حلمه موش حقيقه-

"Still shocked? "  هاري سألني و هو يتبسم.

يا حليلي دخت.. شدوني..

وخي شوف كلمه ما أقوى تعبر علي نحس فيه آنا توا.


ههه، لوجولي على كلمه ما أقوى خنعلمهالو بجاه ربي.

"I-I guess, hhh." I said nervously.

بديت نحس في الدنيا ادور بيا و وليت نرا فلو.

"Hey, are you alright? At least tell me your name!"

نسمع في هاري يكلم فيا، و آنا نحب نجاوبو آما ما نجمتش.

Harry's POV:

She passed out. Right in front of me. There was only my bodyguard in here but I didn't let him touch her.

I lift her up from the floor and ask my bodyguard to go to the car and head to the hotel.


Why am I taking her with me?

Because, I.. And my bodyguard of course.. Were the only people there.

I know.. weird.

But I have to find out what's wrong with her and take care of her without getting out in front of everyone.. 'with a girl in my hands'.

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