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Harry's POV :

I was having breakfast at the restaurant in the hotel while Jeffrey, my manager, sits next to me.

"morning Harry." he greets me with a disappointed face.

"morning.. What's wrong Jeff?" I can tell what he's about to say is serious.

"Where did you go last night?"

Oh.. Just that?

"well.. I was hanging out with some fans. Why?"

"hahah.. With some fans." he says mocking what I said but his expression changes to anger. "Harry, do you know how dangerous is what you did?" he presses his lips in a thin line.

He's ruining my mood on purpose I guess😣. I was calm and relaxed and now he's ruining it.

"What's dangerous in hanging out with some fans?" I ask him frustrated.

"Seriously Harry?! Okay.. I'll pretend that you are not getting on my nerves and answer your question." He says trying to calm down and hide his anger.

It's me who will pretend that you are not getting on my nerves, Jeff..

"Listen, Harry. Before coming here; to Tunisia, we talked about it. We had a long conversation about it. First, I told you that Tunisia isn't a safe country, so that we have just one concert here. Second, you can not trust her people, even fans. You can't risk your life with some fans, Harry."

"Well.. May be you're right. But the girls are no harm for me. They're peaceful and.. They look innocent. They're still young and-" but Jeff cut me off 😒.

"But Harry you can expect anything in dangerous countries.. I don't know how to explain it to you."

"Don't. Ever. Talk. Like that. About my fans." I say, my voice calm but my tune full of anger.

"Yeah, okay. What ever you say.. Just remember what I told you. Calm down, I know how much you love your fans but don't risk your life for them." he says standing up. Thanks God he's leaving "Hey! I almost forgot. You can't date that Maryem."

"What?" I'm shocked, but he's smiling devilishly "How did you know?😨😲"

"You know I don't miss anything 😉." you fu****g bas- "Never think that you can hide something from me, Harry. I will know sooner or later. Have a good day." he smiles at me and leaves.

"have a good day." I mock him. It's like there's good days left after what you said.

"hufffff" I groan loudly and kick the chair he was sitting on few seconds ago with my right foot.

How did he know?

But I want to date her and I have the right to date whoever I want.

I stand up and look for him to talk to him about that.


"Yes, Harry?"

"I'm dating her." I say firmly. My eyes full of anger.

"Oh, sweetheart. No you're not." he says smiling. He's killing me with his cold blood.

"I love her and I'm-" he didn't let me finish my sentence and started yelling at me.

"You what? Harry.. You just met her couple of days ago, you can't just fall in love with her! Love isn't like this. You're just imagining, Harry. I know you very well. You think that you love her because you haven't dated anyone since.. You know.. But the thing is, you don't love her, you just miss being with someone. And   as you love your fans so much,... I'm not sure about this but, may be the accident that happened to you and Maryem made you feel cared for. Because this is the first time you have an accident with a fan and you take her to your hotel room and.. You know.. All the things that happened there.. Trust me Harry, you are not in love with her."

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