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"I'm thinking about taking up cooking professionally."Snape said with a smirk while he finished putting fresh berries over the pancakes he just cooked. "Be serious, Severus."Hermione scolded, passing him the jar of maple syrup. "And don't even try to utter the pun regarding Sirius's name either."she added as Snape opened and closed his mouth, before the punny joke could escape him. She huffed and seated herself at the breakfast bar. "You've been avoiding this topic ever since we got back from our honeymoon. I never thought I'd be the one pushing you to start going to work again- I always thought it'd be the other way round." Snape gave a sigh. "Allright, fine!" He pushed one plate towards Hermione and took out a fork to dig into his own. "I'll talk to Minerva and see if she appoints me back in my previous position...if that's what you want." Hermione picked at her food nimbly,"I want you to want it too. I don't want to force you into a job you hate." "I don't hate the job," Snape told her with a pout,"It's just that...I feel it's too soon. I barely got to spend much time with my wife and now she's packing me off again to teach a bunch of dunderheads." Hermione gave him a sweet smile,"I have an idea regarding that, I think you'll like." Snape furrowed his brow, giving her his full attention. "You remember how Minerva was saying that Hogwarts was really understaffed? Most of the old teachers are retiring and their protégés are slated to replace them within the end of this year. Neville is also training under Professor Sprout. So, if you join the Hogwarts staff again, you may have to start training someone too." Hermione raised her eyebrows, making sure he was following her and he nodded, reasilation dawning on him gradually. "I can see where you're going with this, but wasn't it always your dream to become an Auror?" "Yes, I was interested in that,"Hermione put a morsel in her mouth and chewed thoughtfully,"But, you know, it was so exhilarating to teach the Dumbledore's Army. I felt so much passion while nurturing their skills and training myself along with them too. It was during that time that I felt that I could really take up teaching as a profession. I never got a chance to seriously think about it till now. Plus, bossing around is in my nature- I hope I'll be able to handle a class, however rowdy they may be. I don't want to get myself involved in the Ministry and all its corruption. I would rather do something I really like- enlightening souls with what all I have to share, moulding their personalities with my own hand. What do you think?" Snape hooked a finger into the silver chain she wore around her neck and pulled her into a kiss. "I think it's an excellent idea. You would do great. And I'll always have you under my nose at Hogwarts, so I'm satisfied." Hermione smiled brightly, proud of herself for coming up with this plan. He leaned back and added,"You'll hardly need much training but after it's over, you will take my place as the Defence Against The Dark Arts professor." "No,"Hermione protested,"You can still continue. I mean, we could do it together, we could divide classes-" Snape put a hand over his wife's,"Darling, I'm an old man. I have done my duty. Now I must rest." Hermione pursed her lips but said nothing more. She didn't like his insistence on calling himself 'an old man'. But she could see he really was not that inclined to fully go back to his old life. If staying at home, spending a retired life, with his books and his armchair and his garden is what makes him happy then I should'nt nag him too much otherwise. It would not be smart to unnecessarily prick him. They agreed he would run some errands before talking to McGonagall in person at Hogwarts that very day. Therefore, he dressed and left while Hermione busied herself with some chores....................................
"Mistress, you're friends have arrived."Mr.D'onfrio announced and in strode Harry, Ginny, Ron and George, big smiles on their faces. Hermione was taken by surprise and she wrapped them each with an embrace. "What are you guys doing here?"
"We hadn't talked since you came back from your honeymoon..."
"I can't believe it's been weeks!"
"It was an off day at work for us-"
"It's Christmas in a few days and we thought of giving you an early present- Us!"
"Dad happened to have a talk with Remus and he mentioned Professor Snape was at Hogwarts. So we reckoned we'd stop by."
"It's a rare chance of getting to explore this castle without the dungeon bat breathing down our necks!"Ron said, which earned him a slap on the arm from Hermione. George and Ginny, who were here for the first time, looked around wide-eyed and their mouths gaping open. "Don't make it sound like that, you know you can come by anytime you want."Hermione said. Ron made the chaise-longue spring with his weight as he bounced onto it."Yeah, but we never could've been as much at ease if he was around. He would've stared at us down his hooked nose with utmost contempt." Harry, who was sitting on the handle of the sofa, laughed in agreement while Hermione rolled her eyes, although she knew that was probably true. However, before she could argue in her husband's defence any further, she was pulled over to a side by Ginny. "I have some news...good news-" But she was cut short by the sound of the fireplace crackling to life. Through the green flames, Snape's head appeared. Within seconds, Harry dropped down on the ground behind the sofa, Ron flattened himself on the longue to hide himself from view, Ginny hid behind a potted-plant, George tried to pass himself off as a coat behind the coat-hangar-stand. Hermione gave an over-intensified innocent expression."Hi honey! Just watering the plants..." She tried to shield him from seeing her friends as best as she could. Snape cocked an eyebrow,"I believe you missed the one behind which Ginerva is hiding." Hermione bit her tongue and looked around, prompting Ginny to stand up straight. "Ron's on your sofa!"she confessed in all her haste to not be the only one to go down. Ron sat up with a sheepish expression of getting caught with his hand down the coockie-jar and shot his sister a nasty look. One by one they all came out and filed in a neat line, like they had been called into the principal's office. Hermione tried to convey to her husband silently that it wasn't her fault that they popped in uninvited. "How you doin'?"George tried to lighten the situation. However, Snape wasn't giving them a stern look. "It's okay...as long as you don't do any real damage or get my wife into trouble, it's all fine."he assured and then turned to Hermione,"Listen, I had a detailed discussion with Minerva about the internship program. She also invited me to stay back for afternoon tea. So, I'll be home late."
"I thought I'd let you know, so you won't worry. Ok bye, love you."
"Love you too."
"Love you three!"Ron snickered. Snape narrowed his eyes at him, shook his head and disappeared from the fireplace............................................
They had lunch together and spent all afternoon chatting. Mrs.Reynolds came in and cleared her throat. "Would Mistress want me to bring tea for the guests?" "You don't need to call me that, I told you before."Hermione told her and then turned to her friends,"Do you guys want something to drink?" The boys told their preferences but Ginny said,"No, just tea for me, thanks. I'm not drinking alcohol." Hermione furrowed her brow but when Harry and Ginny shared a knowing smile and a blush, her question was left hanging in the air. "I'm pregnant!"Ginny declared,"That's what I wanted to talk to you about." "Oh my god, Gin! I'm so happy for you!"Hermione's face split into a smile and she hugged both of her friends. "How wonderful!"Mrs.Reynolds clapped her hands,"This calls for a celebration! I'll see what I can whip up in the kitchen." While Hermione and Ginny engaged in excited chatter, George and Ron held Harry in a death-grip by wrapping their arms around his neck from opposite sides. "So! Knocked up our sister, huh?"George said, trying to act tough. Ron added,"You know you may be my best mate but that won't stop me from punching the stuffing out of you."
They let go of him, giving playful punches to their brother-in-law. "Nah, we're just messing with ya."
"Yeah, wait till you tell mum. She'll hug you so hard you'll die anyway!" Mrs.Reynolds brought in a cheesecake and some mocktails and they happily dug in. "Oh, this cake reminded me,"Hermione told them,"I found out Severus's date of birth and it's in a few months. He wouldn't tell me when it was no matter how much I asked, but you know, this is my house now too, and I was going through some old papers and stuff and I chanced upon his birth-certificate. Guess it was no big surprise that he's a Pisces. Anyway, I was thinking of throwing him a party and I want everyone to come. I'll have a talk with him and send out the invites- Bill, Fleur, Fred; Remus and Tabitha; Minerva, Filius, Horace and oh, Hagrid too. It'll be fun!" "Do you want us to bring him a huge fluffy teddy bear too?"mocked Ron, which earned him another hit on the head...................................................
"You told me you were gonna be late but not this late. Explain yourself sir!" Hermione demanded while helping him take off his overcoat and hanging it on the rack. "Honestly woman, can't I have any secrets?"Snape said, dusting the snow from his hair in frustration,"I used to pride myself in being somewhat of an enigma." Hermione was too excited to talk to him about the day to pry any more, but she did spy a small wrapped box in an inside pocket and smiled to herself. "I'm sorry if you minded about my friends coming over today. I really had no idea." "I already told you it was fine."he remarked with a smile,"They're part of the family now, I suppose." Hermione was glad. They had dinner and then went to bed. "You know, Ginny's going to have a baby- she's pregnant."Hermione told him, while rubbing some moisturiser on her hands. "Is she now? Good for her."Snape changed into pyjamas and got into bed. Hermione was happy for her friends but if she was being honest to herself, she couldn't help but be about 2% jealous that the Potters were beating them everytime, albeit by a small margin. Not that it's a competition or anything, but yes, they beat us in marriage by a small margin, but babies? Wonder when we'll be ready for that? Oh no, don't open that door now. Before the thoughts could riddle her brain further, she shook it away. "You said you were okay with people coming over. So I was thinking of having a birthday party for you. And I wanted to run it by you before sending out the invites." Snape stopped midway between pulling the covers up to his chest and he stared at her. He was going to ask but thought it better not to make a fool out of himself by naively asking her about her dedusive methods and thus concluded that she must have special detective skills. "Really? A birthday party? For me? I'm an ol-" "Don't you dare say that word again!"she scolded. He argued with a tut, bringing to light the frivolity behind the thought,"But it's embarrassing...god forbid if they bring gifts. And if they break into that ungodly song, I swear I'll be hopping mad!" "No no. I'll mention 'no gifts' on the cards. It'll just be a nice evening with friends. Sort of like a reunion."Hermione assured. Snape sighed,"Allright, if that's what makes you happy..."
"You're doing it again."
"Doing what?"
"You can say 'no', you know. But you're always agreeing with me saying, 'if that's what makes you happy'. Why would you do that?"
"Because I love you. And I really want you to be happy-"
"And what about you? I want you to take care of yourself too. I don't want you to regret doing everything I wanna do, just because I wanna do them and then end up regretting me altogether. That's what happens, doesn't it? Don't you dare do that to us!"
Snape looked at his wife with renewed admiration. That was a really mature thing to say. "I'm sorry I said that. But I genuinely want them to come over. Unlike what you may believe, I've grown to like them too. I'll be truly delighted if I am able to spend my nameday with my loved ones." Hermione was contented."Thank you." They laid back in bed and cuddled closer. "I had a lovely afternoon with Minerva and Remus today. He had been substituting for my class these months but it was too much pressure on the old chap. Minerva was more than glad to hand me my job back."Snape informed her,"And I discussed it with her- you can start the internship from the new session that starts in March." Hermione looked up at his face and smirked,"It would be a pleasure to work with you again, Professor.".........................
It was Christmas eve and the couple had spent all afternoon decorating the Christmas tree and putting up lights outside as well as inside the house. With Hermione's insistence, Mr.D'onfrio and Mrs.Reynolds had left to visit their families, the house-elves were cooking dinner, while Snape and Hermione cozied up in their couch at the library, with a warm fire and Love Actually playing at the home-theatre system. Hermione was filling the gaps in her husband's fingers with her own and he was rubbing their feet together, when they heard the doorbell ring. Snape groaned so Hermione got up saying,"I'll get it." She trotted down the foyer and opened the front door to reveal a group of children, all wearing Santa hats and cute smiles, who broke into a lovely song. "Who is it?"he asked from inside. "It's carol singers."Hermione answered. "Give them a quid and tell 'em to bugger off!"he called back. "He's just joking."Hermione told them with a laugh as they looked at each-other. "We used to be afraid to come here," one of the older kids said, "But we heard a nice lady is living here now." Hermione smiled kindly at them,"Would you like to come inside the nice lady's house and have some hot chocolate with marshmallows?" The older one protested out of politeness but the younger ones all agreed, nodding their heads eagerly and Hermione ushered them in. "What do we have here?"Snape came out to see what was keeping her and looked down at the consortment of kids that had gathered in his living room. The kids all took several steps back, alarmed by the presence of the 'nasty old man' they were so much afraid of. "It's allright kids. This is my husband."Hermione came over and gave him a peck on his lips, in order to show that he was perfectly harmless."I'll get your drinks, while you can request Mr.Snape to entertain you for the time being." She also added in the older kid's ear,"Perhaos you'll find out that the nasty old man is'nt so nasty after all." Hermione flashed her husband a smile and he stared back, with an expression she couldn't quite place; she wasn't entirely sure whether she was going to get a chastisement later. She went down to the kitchen. When she returned with steaming hot mugs of cocoa, she found the children sitting around Snape in a circle; some naughty ones were pulling at his cloak or throwing cotton balls (which they had used as snow on the tree) at his head. Her husband was at the centre; surprisingly, he didn't seem to mind them at all but was rather engrossed in telling them a story using sock-puppets. Hermione beamed at the sight and after they had had their drinks, they bid them adieu. "Okay now, presents!"Hermione found her inner child come out as she bounded down to the tree and tore open first her usual gifts from the Weasleys, McGonagall, Hagrid and Lupin. They opened together the gifts that had arrived for the both of them as a couple, but Hermione's eyes searched for the little box that she had seen that day in his coat pocket. But it wasn't there. "Open my gift for you."Snape pushed a present into her hand, but it's shape was totally different. She ripped it open, trying to keep her excitement up, but inside, she found just a book. She felt her heart drop to the ground. He looked quizzically at her face. "It's a first edition. Don't you like it?" "Of course not, I love it!"Hermione fake-smiled,"It's a book...you know I love books. So yeah, ha ha...yippy!" Her brain started whirring. So whom was that gift for? Oh shit he's having an affair! Snape chortled, his acting falling flat now. "I thought you wouldn't be satisfied with only that, so I also bought you this!" He finally produced the infamous box from inside his pocket and Hermione could'nt hold back a squeal as well as a sigh of relief. He watched as his wife opened the present with unmasked joy and gape at the earrings inside. "They have real mermaid's tears inside them." "They are so elegant and sophisticated! Thank you."Hermione hugged the box to her chest. There was also a note-card underneath: Sorry if I am a grumpy husband sometimes.
Hermione looked up at him and said,"You're not." She reached for his lips and he pulled her up to straddle on his lap as they passionately kissed and dissolved into each-other in front of the fire.

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