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Yoongi woke up and tried to sit up but when he did he was pulled back to the bed "Yoongi~ I want your warmth" Jimin said while he kept his hand back on Yoongi's chest. Yoongi burned up and blushed. Jimin smiled to that.

Yoongi tried again but was again pulled by Jimin "Jimin-ahh" Yoongi whined "Ok Ok I'm up" Jimin said in a sleepy tone. Jimin sat up still holding Yoongi.

Jimin layed his back against the wall while Yoongi was in-between his legs. After a a couple of minutes.

"Are you gonna let me go"

"not yet"

"Why-" Before Yoongi could finish his sentence he felt two pair of lips sucking on his skin Yoongi melted in that moment "Jimin" Yoongi moaned. Jimin released him leaving a light red mark "Now you can go" Jimin smirked and released Yoongi.

Yoongi rubbed his reck "Its morning, and this" Yoongi said while pointing to the light red mark on his neck "You got away easy I wanted you to scream my name" Jimin smirked while getting up and walking towards Yoongi.

Jimin stoped when Yoongi's back hit the wall "I wanted to get on top of you until you moan-." "Stop!" Yoongi cut of Jimin. Jimin smiles when he noticed that the other was a blushing mess. "Your so beautiful how the hell could I stop" Jimin said while raising an eyebrow "Jimin~" Yoongi said while softly hitting Jimin's chest.

Time passes by and it was time to go to Jimin's palace and attend the party.

(What Jimin wore)

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(What Jimin wore)

(What Yoongi wore)

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(What Yoongi wore)

They started walking towards the exit to Yoongi's palace. 

Yoongi looked towards Jimin who's face was full of disgust, range, stress, Yoongi thought to lighten up his mood a little.

"You look good my majesty" Yoongi chucked and said "You don't have to call me that, Jimin is fine" Jimin said while narrowing his eyebrows not looking at Yoongi  "I have to, when I'm in your palace.." Yoong sighed.

Jimin stoped walking that caused Yoongi to do so as well. Yoongi came close to Jimin who was looking down, Yoongi lifted up his head with his index finger "What's wrong" Yoongi asked in a worried tone, Jimin held Yoongi's shoulder and pulled him into a hug "You will never I mean never call me that even in my own palace" Jimin said while pulling Yoongi way from him.

Jimin looked into Yoongi's eyes and tried not to smile when Yoongi tilted his head a little "How?" Yoongi asked.
Jimin kissed him and pulled away after awhile leaving Yoongi out of breath " to sto-p do-doing that".

Yoongi leaned towards Jimin laying his head in his shoulder Jimin did the same "I will make you mine forever Yoongi" Jimin whispered in Yoongi's ear sending shivers down Yoongi's spine.

"Will he marry me?" Yoongi said under his breath and Yoongi was sure he left Jimin's head move, motioning a yes 'Hell ya I will' Jimin thought.

Time passes and they reach Jimin's palace.

Jimin and Yoongi looked at each other and nod. They exit the car. Yoongi entered the Palace first, people bowed to him and Yoongi smiled to the other prince and princesses. Yoongi started getting worried when Jimin didn't enter.

Yoongi's eyes wondered around and then he spotted a empty throne it was made up of diamonds Yoongi smiled to know that 'My future husband will be sitting in that chair..oh how beautiful he will look' Yoongi smiled at that thought.

His smile was gone when he saw Hoseok. Yoongi and Hoseok were not in good terms when that incident happed.

Hoseok laughed in a evil manner "Its a mystery" Hoseok said leaning back on his chair. "You idiot" Yoongi grinned in a evil manner Hoseok looked at Yoongi with wide eyes "What did you say?" Hoseok calmly questioned "I said your a idiot..what makes you think I will do something you say?'s a spoiler I will not" Yoongi said.

When he heard nothing Yoongi stood up and was about to leave then what he heard made him furious "What did you say" Yoongi said in a bitter tone "I said I will take Jimin away from you" Hoseok chucked a said.

Yoongi broke the glass chair and took a piece of glass throwing it at Hoseok's way barley hitting him but it hit the wall instead "You mention MY JIMIN I WILL KILL YOU" Yoongi shouted and opened the door and slammed it shut.

Yoongi didn't even look at him instead gave him a dirty look and turned away. Yoongi was starting to worry again if Jimin was coming or not he remember Jimin telling to him to not wait for him and enter the palace. 'Did he leave me..he won't do that right?..he loves me...right?,' Yoongi thoughts were all broken.

When everything went silent and Yoongi would see shocked expression on everyone's faces cause Jimin had entered.

Jimin smiled at everyone and everyone had tears in their eyes. Jimin walked towards his throne and sat on it "Your back my beloved people" everyone broke into loud cheers. Smiles filled the room, some people even sobbed.

Jimin attention was only on Yoongi his eyes smiles, his body, his smile, his everting without Yoongi Jimin would be nothing. When they locked eyes for a moment, everything froze but it was broken.

When two huge arms wrapped around Jimin, Jimin's attention went to that person he looked up to see "Namjoon" Jimin spoke, tone full of hurt Jimin didn't care. He stood up so he could huge the older properly.

Jimin~ Jimimie~ oh how I missed you"

"I did too hyung"

They pulled away and Jimin sat back down "Dont ever leave again your highness" Namjoon said while kneeling down "Ah Hyung I had to, I had to escape" Jimin said while putting his hand on Namjoon's shoulder "I know but don't do it again" Namjoon took Jimin's hand into his own and smiled at him "Hyung don't hold my hand" Jimin pulled his hand away from Namjoon "But- You liked that" "I do, I still do, but my future husband doesn't " Jimin chucked and said.

Namjoon eyes went wide at Jimin's words and he hugged him again but soon Namjoon pulled away "Mine doesn't like it also" Namjoon chucked "Jin Hyung really hates me" they chucked and Namjoon went away.

Before Jimin could look for Yoongi two pairs of lips touch his own. Jimin thought it was Yoongi's but it felt nothing like his Jimin wanted to pull away but the kiss was too forceful and Jimin kept hitting and pushing this person away from him but the people didn't notice so they didn't help because it was one of the stupid rules they had to follow. A tear fell from his eye.

He was able to breath again because the person was pulled way by the one and only Jimin's hero, Jimin's life, Jimin's everything "Yoongi" Jimin said and hugged Yoongi.

Yoongi pushed Hoseok when he saw a tear from Jimin's eye.



Thoughts of Jimin fogged up Yoongi's mind but he didn't mind.

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