Shes gone

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Cameron's pov.

I have had a great evening with Cathryn and I feel a way that I've never felt about anyone before. She's different she loves me for me not the famous person everyone sees me as. I'm so nervous to ask her if she would like to be my girlfriend because what if everything goes wrong then what will happen what if she's not ready for a boyfriend or what if... I don't know I'm just nervous but here goes nothing. "Listen Cathryn" I begin to tell her, "I know I just met you but I was wondering if um uh well you would like to uh" the words get tangled in my mouth like a cat with a ball of yarn. "Well um be my girlfriend" I finally get the words across and i guess it was only a minute or two before she answered but it felt like hours.

Cathryn's pov.

"Id love to!" When we said our goodbyes it was the average goodbye peck on the cheek and as I left I was already wondering when I was going to see him again.

Cameron's pov.

I woke up to a siren blazing in my ear. I didn't know what was going on I went outside my apartment door and firefighters immediately directed me out of the building. As soon as I understood what was going on Cathryn flashed into my mind. I blurt out "CATHRYN! IS SHE OKAY? WHERE IS SHE? But it was too late the officers would not let me outside. What was I going to do? How would I know she's safe?

Officers pov.

We have checked the names of everyone we cleared from the premises,
Not one of thems name was Cathryn. I'm sorry I'm sure she'll be okay.

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