Chapter 5

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The scarest part I don't even really remember. The next thing I knew I was hearing people echo my name and asking if I could hear them. Voices weren't registering at the time. All I could was the echo of them.

"Bella, can you hear me. Open your eyes if you can."

"Bella! Bella! Don't die on me! Don't you die on me! Why didn't you call me and say something. Bella!"

And many more echos. When I did try to open my eyes, gravity wouldn't let me. I could only open them a slant and not for long either. I was in and out of consciousness.

When I finally could beat gravity and open them myself, I did slowly. My vision wasn't cooperating at first so it took me a while to see anything clearly. I remember seeing glass sliding doors ahead of me and that's all. Everything behind the glass was blurry. I could only hear sounds like:



I didn't freak when I realized a tube was down my throat, helping me to breathe. I remembered just laying there and starting to cry. For what I was told, Gloria'd never left my side.

So, yeah. That's what happened with the Beggars.

Call me nuts and all sorts of names for trying another family again. I guess you can call me desperate as well, but nope. I am not desperate. I'm not eighteen yet so I can't decide for myself. Ugh. Damn government rules or whoever's rules they belong to. Who asked them to make up RULES?

But sometimes without rules, shit gets crazy. Even in games.

Now here we are. A month and two weeks had passed and here I am about to let myself be taken into another family. WHAT WAS WRONG WITH ME? Was I really going nuts? Was I really desperate or-or getting there? What am I even doing?



I wanted to rise up and brush my way pass Gloria and get the hell out this restaurant, but I fought myself and stayed put. I was having an anxiety attack. It'll be over soon, but...seriously. What am I doing this for again? I made myself a promise this would be the last family. Then I'll just wait until I'm eighteen and just let the streets become my family. It couldn't leave and hurt me. At least.

I heard myself go Sure it can but I ignored it.

"How's your back now," Gloria asked again after a moment of silence. I was silent, because I was thinking. I don't know why she was so quiet.

I turned my head towards her and shook my head.

"No, it's getting better," I lied. It was actually getting worse by the minute. Gloria or no one else knew that if I sat and stood to long, my back would start nagging me. The doctors didn't even think to know. I kept that to myself. Attention is what I grew to live without. I learned to not need it. "It's not hurting as much," I added to sound believable.

"Good, because she should be here in," she paused and looked down at her wrist watch. "Five minutes."

I suddenly sat up straight, feeling very anxious. "Five minutes as in five minutes?" I was so busy in my thoughts, I hadn't heard her on the phone.

She looked over at me. "Uh...yeah. There's no other way to put it."

Yes, there is! Not at all. I wanted to squeal, but I kept my mouth shut and looked out the window which wasn't a good idea if I didn't want to see my soon-to-be foster mother show up. I suddenly didn't want to be around when she showed up. I whirled my head towards Gloria, my hair swirling with me. I didn't even brush the strands that flew against face away.

"I need to go to the bathroom," I announced quickly, my voice sounding like a chimpmunk high on coffee. That didn't surprise her and nor did she move. I gave her a few seconds to register what I've said, but when she still didn't move, I gestured my head and hands as in, Hello. All she did was smile at me.

I groaned. "Gloria, please," I begged. She kept smiling, her eyes flicking. "Please, please, please, please, please."

"Here, your foods getting cold." My food? Oh, my food. Gloria reached over and slid my plate of food closer to me. I glanced down at it for a brief second then looked at her with pleading eyes.

"Gloria," I pouted.

"You know, you missed Oscar. He gave you your plate, but you seemed out of it. I called your names I don't know how many times, but you just wouldn't snap of it. It looked to me you hurted his feelings. He never came back after that." I saw the corners of her mouth slide down to a frown.

Really? I'm begging her that I want to get out of Dodge for a moment and she's talking about Oscar and how he felt? What about how I felt. I felt like I needed to throw up. I felt like passing out. I felt like I needed some air. I felt like I need to use the bathroom. And my felt like list could go on and on, but here I am, shacking up to miss Match Maker. What the hell was she doiㅡ

Then it hit me. She was stalling once again.

I felt myself slump against the booth. How could I be so dumb? How could I be so stupid? How could I fall into this evil trap?

I switched my expression and glared at her, my eyes on fire.

"Gloria, move," I said firmly. This made her laugh. Laugh? Really? Her eyes were flicking with excitement. I could tell she was enjoying whatever the hell she was doing. Oh, how was I going to make her pay.

"Bella, relax. You're going nowhere," she told me.

"And who are you to tell me I can't?"

"Your social worker," she simply answered, her mascara eyelashes batting at me. I didn't give up. I wasn't about to continue to play her little games. I rose up a notch and began to scoot myself told her. "Now, I still don't know where you're going."

"To the bathroom. Excuse me." I continued to make my way over her, but I felt her thighs press against my pelvis. Ugh.

"You didn't have anyhing to eat or drink."

Ssssso? "I'm nervous," I admitted before I could stop myself.

"That never come across you before."

"It has now," I bitterly snapped. Gloria huffed.


I was continuous with my move, but I was failing. Dude, was I really this weak? Or are my thighs not thick enough to brush pass her weight? I steered my head to look at her. She looked right back at me.

"Gloria, please."

"Bella, sit," she mimicked. In her dreams. I was about to open my mouth with a comeback when Gloria's eyes curved around me. If I wasn't mistaken, I saw fireworks go off in her eyes. Who was she so happy to see? Her boyfriend? (If she had one) Oscar? (Oh, please) Who?

When I realized I could push my way through, I froze. Because it had hit me. Gloria's eyes had laid upon someone we or just should say I were about to meet and possibly live with.

Oh, Jesus, Mary and Jospeh.

I felt my stomach crawl with butterflies, making me terribly nauseous, but I held it back. I wasn't stupid enough to embarrass myself.

I couldn't stop my eyes balls from scanning to the left. Soon after my neck slowly following to look at the woman to was going to be my 100th foster Mom.

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