Chapter 9

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A touch on my shoulder flinched me awake. I yelped and popped open my eyes. Gloria was looking at me in concern but also smiling.

"Hey, you okay?"

I scooted up in my seat and rubbed the sleep out my eyes. "Um...yeah," I replied breathlessly. "I was...I was dreaming..." I diverted my eyes at her and tried to sustain a suitable smile for her just to get her to believe me just for the moment. I knew she didn't from the look she gave me after my anewer but she just smiled more and gave me a comfortable pat.

"Okay, so we stopped for gas." She looked at her watch then out the window. "We aren't that far. We shouldn't be that far."

"Gloria, are we lost?"

She laughed knowingly. "No, no." She then sighed and spoke quietly, barely above a whisper. "We aren't lost."

"Gloria, you're lying." She didn't answer. She didn't have too. "I can tell your lying when you talk. I can barely hear you." She started to mumble. I sighed and laid my head back against the seat. I glanced out the window. No blue shirt. I closed my eyes and ran my fingers through my hair, it smoothly sliding back. So, it was a nightmare. I guess it didn't need to be night. I just had to be asleep. Great.

I have sleep-mares.

"Okay and we're off!" Gloria cringed the car in gear and drove off back into the road, leaving behind dust from the tires. I looked around and saw we were riding along in the country. The gas station was on dirt, not road. Great. When a gas station's on dirt or anything building that means the city is long gone. Oh, I feel so much better. (Note the sarcasm, I beg of you.)

Miles went by and still no home, no family, no store. How long was it going to take to get there? Was I going to a home that was in the middle of nowhere? Oh, Christ! I'm over reacting, of course, but I really didn't like being in the middle of nowhere. It kinda scared me that if I needed to run, I had nowhere to go in a safe distance. I was going to feel like a Chainsaw Massacre victim.

I decided not to bother Gloria with my skeptical thoughts. She would just laugh at me. Not in a embarrassing way or an a misunderstanding way; more like I shouldn't worry about it or shouldn't be thinking like that. I already knew what she was going to sayㅡ

"You shouldn't be thinking like that, Bella," she told me just as I thought she would after I spilled my guts to her. "These are nice people."

"You say that like it's a nice thing."

She gave me a quick 5 second sternly glance. "It is a nice thing. What do you have against Beer?"

"Oh, nothing." I shrugged. "Expect the part from her name being Beer, I have nothing against that woman." She said nothing for a long time. I sighed deeply and turned in my seat toward her. I spoke softly. "Look. You know me and how I am. I'm just not fit for families."

Gloria studied the road through her sunglasses, both hands on the wheel, gripping it with soft care. "You can't let your past interfere with the present. Those are very two different things. Now, I know it's something that hauntsㅡ"

"Whoa," I interjected incredulously. "I am not haunted." I didn't like hearing the word 'Haunted.' It made me cringe and grimace. It made me think of actually being in a Haunted house and when you're in a haunted house, you can't find your way out of it. Well, in my case I do. I wake up easily. I'm not haunted. I'm possessed. Haunted people need physical help. Possessed people were crazy and couldn't be helped.

She gave me that same 5 second glance. I heaved a deep sigh and looked out the window. Nothing else was to be said. The wind freely allowed itself to make its way through my hair and into the car, circulating nice cool breeze. I looked around my surrounding. Ahead was the  arrow road. To my right was lushed green spaces and looked somewhat liked the woods giving it that Chainsaw Massacre look. We weren't in Texas, but I still felt like it was the place design. I watched as the side of the road, the mountainous forest trees and valleys zoom by for at least another half hour. 

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