Chapter 19

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I whimpered in my sleep.

Then I heard something: faint laughter coming from the front of the house. I made my way to the front foyer where the laughter and chatter got louder. I looked towards the front door. I walked to it to get a closer look. What I saw stopped my lung circulation and rounded my already round eyes. No, no, no, no, no, no. W-w-what a-are they doing? No!

I glanced down at the door handle before I pulled it back. Only it didn't pull back. What the hell?! Maybe it's broken or jammed. I tried yanking it, but the damn door didn't move. I looked out to see my social worker hug Momma Asian goodbye and going around the car to get inside. AND DRIVE AWAY! Could she see me while I waved to get her attention? Could she hear me while I screamed her name? Absolutely not. I was non-exist. Ooof couse.

Wait for me, Gloria! No! I started to repeatedly pound my palms against the screen. No! Don't leave me! You can't leave me here! Gloria!!! This screened door just couldn't be glass so I could break it. I tried the handle again this time with effort. Damn door. "Open!"

Please, Gloria don't leave, please. I cannot believe what I was seeing. My heart started ramping painfully against my chest to where I could not control my breathing. It was torturing my lungs to corporate.

I yanked the door once more and gazed up at the door with blurry vision eyes. The door still would not coporate just like my adrenaline. What I saw next would've stopped my heart if my adrenaline wasn't so high. Gloria looked right at me. Her eyes shimmered with something I have never seen before. A dark shimmer. Hatred. It make me shudder. I forced the door back again but the lock stayed glued.

Gloria rose her hand and for a minute I thought she was instructing me on a way to pull this damn door open. But it was something else. Her hand gesture was waving at me. Silently telling me goodbye. I widened my eyes. No! You can't leave me, Gloria! Not like this! No!

"By-by-bye, Ba-ba-bella, ba-ba-bella," her voice echoed and then she moved in slow motion. "I don't ever want to see you again." Her voice was now distorted. What? What are you talking about?

"What did I do, Glory?!" I was out of my mind. Then I felt as if a hand was clasped over my nose and mouth suffocating me. I started gasping trying to see if I could get my breathing back but it disobeyed me. WHY?! JUST KILL ME ALREADY. My legs started to give out. I felt as if I was sinking. Gloria got taller and taller. I tried screaming but I was mute.

I did everything I could to stop myself from sinking but nothing seemed to work. Something that felt like heavy clay pressed against my chest definitely taking everything out of me. I peered down and saw what was keeping me down. I was hugged by mud that didn't want to let me go. I was shoulder length and closing. Dying by quick mud...? I gaped open my mouth to scream, but again...nothing. I laboriously tried not to give in. I grunted and strained myself as I tried to swim out, pull myself up out of this mess. Nada. Hell, it was no use. I continued to sink. Who gave a shit. What was I worth living for?

I closed my eyes and waited for this mud to take me.

A black apron came into view ontop of black khakis and black Vans. "Ba-ba-ba-Bella," yet another voice echoed. This time it wasn't Gloria's. It wasn't a girl's voice at all. It was a man's. I inhaled deeply and opened my eyes. I was stunned to see who it was. I went into shock and insantly felt paralyzed.

Oscar was crouched, his forearms resting on his thighs. His head was cocked to one side. He ever looked so handsome but his eyes didn't. Brown eyes didn't know how to express themselves. Plump red lips were making no movement. Curly black hair went in one direction from the brezze.

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