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Taehyung danced for what seemed like hours. He had a thin layer of sweat on his forehead, and began to feel the effect of the alcohol kicking in. The room seemed to spin, as he looked around to find his members, he heard a voice behind him. It was Suga. "V, you okay? You seem a bit off" The older boy grabbed his shoulder, leaning in to be able to hear him above the music. "I'm fine, hyung, I just need some air." He began to walk towards an exit, opening the door and embracing the cold night air. He checked the time, and was shocked to see the clock on his phone say 2:37am. They had been in the club for nearly 4 hours.

He sat down against the wall of the club, clearing his head before he went back inside. As he stood up, he was greeted by a figure. A girl. And to Taehyung, she was the most beautiful girl in the world. Long red hair that was perfectly styled, gorgeous brown eyes, and the feature that caught his eye most, was her smile. Her smile was so bright, so warm, that Taehyung was lost for words. "Oh, I'm sorry," she said, "I didn't realize anyone was out here." Taehyung just stood there, mouth open, not a single thought crossing his mind "Umm, are you okay?" Her question snapped him back into reality. "Oh, uh, yeah I'm fine. Just came out for some air." "Me too," she replied. They were standing awkwardly together, both enjoying the cool breeze. 

After 15 minutes, Taehyung decided to go back and find his members, thinking it was time to go home. "Well, I guess I'll be off then. It was nice, you know, standing with you." It was almost as if he'd never talked with a girl. "I agree, it was nice. Maybe I'll see you around?" "Yeah, hopefully." As he began to walk away, he paused for a moment, then turned back to the red haired girl. "Excuse me, this might sound odd, but what's your name?" She smiled at him and replied "Joy" Even her name was pretty. "Nice to meet you, I'm Taehyung, but most people call me V." She smiled even more, which in turn made Taehyung smile. "Well, hopefully I can see you again, 'V'". She giggled as she said it, and added "Maybe I can increase the chances by getting your number?" Taehyung almost instantly got his phone out, open and ready for her number to be put in. She saved the number under 'Joy' with a red heart next to it, then said "I should go find my friends, they'll probably be worried. Goodbye, V." Taehyung was almost sad to see her go. but decided it would also be a good idea to find his friends as well...

*Fast forward to the morning*

Taehyung awoke to the smell of bacon and eggs. He got up, head ringing from the previous night. He knew he shouldn't have had those extra shots, but Suga was very insistent. He got up from his bed, threw on a t-shirt and tracksuit trousers, and wandered out of his bedroom. He made his way to the kitchen , where Jin was dishing up breakfast on plates, and setting the table for the others. "I'm surprised you're the first one up, V," he began, "usually you're still asleep at this time." Taehyung poured himself a glass of orange juice, and sat at the table, waiting for Jin to finish making breakfast. "How's Jungkook? Did he drink a lot?" Jin smiled, on the verge of laughing. "He had... a lot. Like, so much that me and Jimin had to practically carry him to the car, then into his room." Jin finished his sentence with a laugh, inciting Taehyung to join in.

Each of the members joined the two one by one, with Jungkook coming in last. Safe to say, he looked dead. His first night would definitely be a memorable one, even if he couldn't remember it himself. "Jungkook-ah," Namjoon began, "feeling it today?" An inaudible groan escaped Jungkook's mouth as he slid into his chair, making the others erupt into laughter. 

Taehyung returns to his room to have a shower and discuss the days events with his members, but something catches his eye as he walks to his en suite. His phone buzzed. He walks over to his desk, presses the home button and sees a text notification, with the name 'Joy' on his screen. He opens his phone and reads the text.

Hey, V. Want to get coffee later?


Looks like V's gonna meet the mystery girl. Hope you're all liking it so far, I'll do my best to get the next few parts out soon. Be sure to comment and favorite if you enjoy this story!

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