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Taehyung arrived back at the dorm to find his members waiting in the living room for him. It wasn't that late, only 5:23pm, so he thought it must be something big. "V, I'm glad you decided to show up, we have some news," Namjoon began. "Our manager has told us that we're going on a tour." "Another one?" It had only been 3 months since their last major tour around Japan, and they had had a few fan meets since then, which is why they'd had so much freedom over the past few weeks. "Where are we touring?" There have been a number of places where they haven't been, including the states, which hopefully they'll be able to go one day. "We're gonna be touring the Philippines, we leave in a week. Shit.. Taehyung thought, only a week to go on a date with Joy..

Taehyung went to his room, trying to plan a day out with Joy. With only a week before he left, he needed to find out a day soon. 

Joy, I have some news. I'm going on tour soon, so can we do something for this week?

Sure, what did you have in mind?

I was thinking we could visit the aquarium? I haven't been there for a long time.

Then the aquarium it is :).

Taehyung was looking forward to being with her. Something about her, ever since the night they first met, he had felt something within him that made him want to be with her constantly. But it seems like he'll only have a small amount of time. "V?" Jimin had entered his room quietly, making Taehyung jump. "Jimin-ah, you scared me. What's up?" "You seemed a little concerned after Namjoon hyung said we were touring. Is something wrong?" Jimin always knew when one of the members was feeling down, it was almost scary how easily he could see something was off. "Well, it's a long story..."

After Taehyung had explained everything, Jimin leaned back and plainly said "I think you should be with her. After the tour, see her again." Taehyung was surprised at Jimin's words, but glad to receive them. "It might be a while before I see her again, what if she doesn't want to see me?" Jimin smiled, "She'd be a fool not to want to see you, V".

*The next day.*

It was almost time for Taehyung's date. There were so many emotions running through his head: nervousness, excitement, fear. But he was mostly excited. If he only had a week to see her before he left, then we would see her as much as possible. He was waiting outside the aquarium entrance, ready to go inside. He turned to see her walking towards him, and his heart skipped a beat. She looked beautiful. He knows that she's always beautiful, but seeing her now, made him realize just how gorgeous she really was. She was wearing a green dress, with her her in a ponytail, with a small bag at her side. He didn't realize that he was staring until she reached him and said "Um Taehyung? You're staring" She smiled a little, before he snapped back to reality, "Oh, sorry, I uh, just, you know..." not being able to find the words to say to her. She giggled, then they both went to pay to get in.

They had been wandering for about half an hour, looking at the sea life, grabbing a drink, and having a general conversation. He was nervous to tell her about his tour, and he was enjoying himself too much to let it ruin the mood, but he knew he'd have to tell her at some point during the day. They decided to sit down at a little restaurant to order some food. "So, what do you do for a living?" Joy finally broke the silence. He completely forgot to mention that he was an idol. "Um, well... I guess you'll find out soon anyway. I'm part of a new group, Bangtan Boys, or BTS for short. We're relatively new." Her eyes widened at Taehyungs words. She had had no idea that he was an idol, even though he definitely looked it. She wasn't sure of what to say - dating an idol was always a difficult task. But then again, she hadn't had much thought towards dating him. She'd only met him a few days ago. But here she was, contemplating on a relationship with this boy, to who she feels so strongly about, regardless of the small amount time they've spent together. When she found the words to say, all she said was "Oh." He wanted to tell her that it could work, but he knew for a fact that it would most likely not.

They walked towards the entrance again, having spent an hour in the aquarium. It had been awkward since their conversation, and Taehyung was unsure about what to say regarding the situation. It was when they exited the aquarium that he managed to say something, "Joy, I know that you finding out about me is a bit off putting, and I should probably mention that I'm going on a tour in less than a week," her eyes looked sad, "but, that being said, I really like you. And I know it's silly to say, but I feel that we can make this work. So I want to ask: would you want to try a relationship?" His words made her melt inside. Of course it was what she wanted. But, she wasn't sure of her answer. "Tae, I..." a buzzing sound cut her off. His phone. He answered it, and it was Jimin calling. "Yes, hyung? What do you mean now... Like right now?... Oh. Okay... Okay, I'll be there soon. Goodbye," he turned to Joy, "Joy... it seems that our manager has decided to start our tour today. We fly out in 4 hours to get a head start on planning for the stages in the first stop. I need to go..." She wanted him to stay, but she knew she couldn't keep him. She gave him a long hug, neither wanting to let go, before he turned and left. Watching him leave, she realized too late that she didn't give him an answer. And she was still uncertain as to what it might be...


What a ride. I wanna say a HUGE apology for this being super late, a lot has been going on and I haven't had as much time for the story. But imma have chapter 5 out tomorrow, even if it kills me. Thanks for all votes and views guys, it really means a lot! 

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