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Taehyung was running as fast as he could to the Red Velvet dorm. He hadn't run this fast since when he ran away from his own dorm, but he needed to see Joy. He got to the dorm, walked straight past Irene and Seulgi, who were on their way to meet Wendy and Yeri, and both looked very confused as to why Taehyung was at their dorm, but they decided to let him go upstairs. He continued up to the second floor, rushing to the door, and opened it to find Joy sat on the sofa.

She looked terrible, and that was the nice way of saying it. Her eyes were puffy and red from crying, she looked deathly pale, and very thin. Wendy had said she hadn't slept in days, but he had no idea she was like this... Then again, how could he have known? Suga had blocked the number on his phone. But as he stood there staring at her, her not even noticing his presence, she began to fall from the sofa, and Taehyung rushed to catch her. "Joy, what did you do..."

*10 minutes earlier*

"Joy, are you sure you're okay? We can stay here, it's no trouble," Seulgi said, "we can take care of you if you need us to." She looked at her members, not wanting to worry them, "it's fine, Seulgi-ah, just go and have fun. I'll be okay, "she replied, even thought she felt terrible. Lack of sleep, food and movement was making her ill, and she knew it, but wouldn't show it. The truth was, she just didn't care anymore. Her dreams of becoming an idol, all seem to be fading away, because of him. Of Kim Taehyung. And the pain she caused him. She began to feel pain, and her vision got blurry. She swore she heard the voice of Taehyung, before she passes out...

*At the hospital*

After Taehyung had called Jin to pick him up, he carried Joy downstairs to wait for him. She was unconscious, and he was so worried about her. He grabbed her phone and was relieved to find no pass code, and decided to call Irene, as she was the eldest. He pressed her name on the screen, and waited for her to pick up. "Hey Joy, is everything oka-" "You need to get to the hospital right now, Joy has passed out, I'm taking her there now," Taehyung interrupted her, then heard her mobilize the other 3 and responded, "We'll be there as soon as we can." Jin had finally arrived outside the dorm, and had driven them to the hospital. They were sat in the waiting room, both anxiously waiting for the doctor to come out.

The rest of Red Velvet had arrived, all four in tears, but Irene the most composed. She went straight up to Taehyung, eyes furious. "What did you say to her?!" "Nothing, I walked into the room, went to call her name, and she just collapsed. I promise I didn't do anything," he told her, and the hurt in his eyes made her believe him. Soon after, the rest of BTS had arrived, with Jimin holding some flowers. Even though they had disliked her, they didn't want her to be like this.

After what seemed like hours, the doctor finally came out. "She has a severe lack of sleep, and she hasn't been eating for at least 2-3 days, which is why she passed out. We're going to keep her here for the time being and keep an eye on how she is. I can allow one of you to stay with her in her room," and then he walked off. Of course her members wanted to stay, but they felt that it would be good for Taehyung to stay. After all, she'd probably want to talk to him. So Red Velvet and the rest of BTS said their goodbyes, and Yeri made sure to tell him that if he hurt her, she would 'end him'. She really was a scary maknae.

As he walked into Joy's hospital room, he heard the faint beeping sound of her monitor. Suddenly a thousand thoughts rushed into his head: how he wasn't there for her, how he didn't let her explain, how he allowed this to happen. He felt somewhat responsible for this. He knew deep down that he didn't do anything wrong, but because he didn't do anything at all, is what lead to this. He sat down next to her, put her hand in his, and began to think of a really good apology. Assuming that she woke up...


Just one more chapter to go, and then that's this book finished. Comment what you guys wanna read next, I'm open to suggestions!

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