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Taehyung dropped his phone. The others looked at him with concern, and then rushed to his side when he dropped to his knees. She's gone.. was all that was running through his mind. Jimin picked up his phone and read the text while Jungkook tried to get a response from Taehyung, "Hyung, what's wrong? Did something happen to Joy?" Taehyung was speechless. He was like a statue, unmoving and rigid. It was only after he fully processed the text that tears began to stream down his face. "Sh-she left me... she has a d-dating ban and she.. she...", he couldn't finish his words. It was too painful. The members enveloped him in a group hug, each planning something to make him feel better.

*Red Velvet dorm*

Elsewhere, Joy was also in tears. Losing Taehyung this way was too painful. She was forced to give him up to fulfill her dream, and she was beginning to doubt that it was worth it. But, being under a contract, she had no choice but to stay. Her dating ban was 2 years, and that meant 2 years without the boy she wanted to be with most. Wendy walked into her room, with her favorite ice cream and an assortment of snacks. They didn't need to worry about a diet as they had a lot of time before their next public appearance. She let Joy cry into her shoulder, knowing how the younger girl felt. "Joy, don't worry. I'm sure he'll understand..." She looked at Wendy with tear filled eyes, "How could he? He hasn't responded. Oh Wendy unnie, he probably hates me..." Seeing her friend like this broke Wendy's heart. However she didn't know what she could do - dating bans were serious, and even if they were lenient and let it go after 1 year, it's still a long time. 

*Bangtan dorm*

Taehyung had isolated himself from the others. He hadn't left his room properly in two days, only coming down for food and to use the bathroom. Jimin was worried, as were the other members. It seemed nothing could bring him out of this mood. He talked with the others to see if they could help him. "Guys, we need to get V out of the dorm. He isn't himself, and staying like this won't help at all," Jimin began, "maybe we could take him out? Make him forget about her for a time." Namjoon stood up, "It seems like one of the only ideas we have. But it might make things worse..." "Worse than it already is? At least if he's out he's doing something that could help take his mind off of her." What they didn't know is that Taehyung was listening, and while he appreciated his members efforts, going out to drink was the last thing he wanted. He decided to do the only thing he could do. He ran.

*6 hours later*

35 missed calls. 18 voicemail's. 67 text messages. All from his members, his family, his manager. Not one from Joy. He doubted she even knew he was out. He had ran out of the dorm, with only his phone, and continued to run for what seemed like hours (A/N: Dasi run, run, run). He was at an old tree, in a park somewhere. He didn't care where. He sat down under it, and began to contemplate everything that had happened over the past 3 days: Joy had ended things with him, he slipped into a depressive state, his members and manager were fearing for his health and heart. And all he could do was sit there and watch and his life seemed to fall apart. All because of one girl. Sure, he had had other small flings with girls in school, even one or two 'secret girlfriends' that had lasted for about 2 weeks each. But nothing had prepared him for the feeling he with Joy. The way she made him feel was nothing like those other girls. He genuinely cared for her, and finally when he had found someone that felt the same way as him... she was gone. "KIM TAEHYUNG!" He heard a yell - it was Jin. He had a mixture of two emotions that were clear on his face: relief for finding Taehyung, and fury for him leaving in the first place. "YAH WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN, I'VE BEEN SEARCHING FOR 6 HOURS YOU PABO!" Jin was rarely angry, and when he was he was truly scary. Taehyung shrunk back in fear, thinking Jin might smack him on the head, but all he did was hug him tightly, his motherly side taking over. "Please, PLEASE, never ever pull something like that again. You almost gave me a heart attack!." 

Jimin had received a text from Jin saying that he had found Taehyung and that he was okay. The others were relieved to hear their friend was safe, and all of them planned something so that Taehyung would feel happier when he got home. After half an hour, Jin and Taehyung arrived in Jin's car, and they walked into the dorm to find one of Taehyung's favorite dishes prepared for him, as well as his favorite drink, snacks and a newly rented movie for them to watch. "Taehyung, we were so worried. We thought something terrible had happened to you." He looked at them with guilty eyes, "I'm sorry, hyungs, I wasn't thinking. I just needed to run... I couldn't be cooped up here, and I don't to drink to forget... I guess I just need time to get over her. Will you help me?" Namjoon took his friends hand and said, "Of course, V. You've always got us." They had all settled down to watch the movie, eat some snacks, and do their best to make Taehyung feel better as fast as they could. With BTS, Taehyung felt that he could get better.

*Red Velvet dorm* 

"Joy! You almost ready?" Joy and the rest of the group were getting ready to go out. It was a way of helping Joy forget about Taehyung, and she wanted to be rid of the pain. As she examined her outfit for the night - a white dress, her red hair styled with tall heels - she began to wonder if he would ever talk to her again. She doubted it. After all, she was the one who broke his heart. After they had all gotten into their car, they drove to a new club, Yeol. It was said to be a good club, so they wanted to try it out. For a while things seemed to be okay. Joy danced, she drank, she danced again, drank some more, told her members she loved them. It was when she went outside for some fresh air, the realization hit her. She began to miss him more. It's as if no amount of drinking could help. She was about to walk back in, when she bumped into someone. "Woah there, easy. Might wanna be a little careful next time, okay?" It was a guy. A pretty good looking one at that. He was a black shirt and jeans, had blond hair and had a devilish smile on his lips. "Oh, mianhe, my head isn't where it should be. I'm Joy, by the way," the guy smiled, "I'm Jackson. You here by yourself? Cause whether you are or you're not, I'd like to dance with you." She admired his confidence, but was confused with her own when she said yes. Soon they were dancing, their bodies close together, the beat and atmosphere all around them. And then he did something unexpected. He kissed her. And then she did something even more unexpected... She kissed him back.


Well, that took a turn. Joy has no idea what she's doing, and Taehyung is getting better. But their next meeting might be a difficult one to say the least... don't forget to vote and subscribe! I'm currently planning another book, so I'll keep you updated!

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