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Taehyung had arrived back at the dorm, with the other members waiting for him. He needed to pack all the essentials for the tour, but was delighted to see the others had packed for him. Jimin took him aside and asked "So, how did it go? Are you two a thing?" Taehyung wasn't sure what to say. He had asked her, she had begun to answer... then he got the call. He never heard her answer. "No, hyung, she was going to say something... but then you called with the news. So I didn't get to hear what she was going to say." "I am such a pabo!" Jimin smacked his head, completely amazed by his terrible timing, "V, man, I am so sorry. You should've just ignored me, I would've texted you or something." Taehyung was terrible at answering texts, so that wouldn't work. "Don't worry about it, Jimin. I know you didn't mean to. But it isn't like she actually considered it, it's only been a short time." He wanted to be able to forget his feelings, but it wouldn't be easy.

With the boys all packed, they were ready to start their journey. Elsewhere, Joy was sat alone at a cafe, missing Taehyung. Who knew that in a few short days, she could feel so much towards someone. She had never felt these kinds of feelings, even with her first boyfriend. With Taehyung she felt safe, she felt secure, and that she could trust him above all else. She decided to call her friend Wendy, who always gave the best advice. After a short phone call and bus ride, Wendy arrived at the cafe to meet Joy. "Hey Joy, how you holding up?" Joy gave her a defeated look, "I miss him. It's so silly, but I miss him." Wendy had been in this position before. Met a cute guy, ended up falling for him, only for him to leave. The difference here is that Taehyung seemed to genuinely care for Joy. "Well what did you say to him? When he asked you?" "That's the thing... I didn't say anything. I wanted to, but no words came out. I feel so stupid..." Joy had a tears in her eyes, and Wendy embraced her in a hug, "Come on, we're gonna go buy some ice cream, rent a cheap romance movie, and enjoy some girl time. And when you're ready, you can call or text him with an answer, assuming you still want to". The girls finished up their drinks and made their way back to Wendy's apartment. 

*The next day.*

Taehyung woke up to the sound of J-Hope snoring. The plane was mostly asleep, with about 3 people, including Taehyung, that were awake. He checked his phone - no texts. No calls. Maybe it was for best, he thought. After all, they hadn't known each other long, but in the short time they did know each other, they both felt  a strong connection. He looked out of the window of the plane, and was completely captivated by the rising sun. It was a beautiful sight, one which reminded him of Joy. Unknown to him, was that back in Korea, Joy was sat in her pajamas, phone and ice cream spoon in hand. Debating on whether she should text Taehyung an answer. She owed him that much. The trouble was finding an answer. Of course she wanted to be with him, she would be a fool to pass it up. But she also knew, from Wendy's story, that it was difficult to date long distance. After careful thought, she decided to text him.


Yes, Joy?

I have an answer.

Oh. What's your answer?


Aaaaaand I think I'll leave it there for now. We can all find out what Joy's answer will be soon ;) btw in case there are any leggos here, OUR QUEENS ARE BACK WITH THEIR NEW ALBUM. Go and support EXID's "Full Moon" album, especially mama Solji, she's been missed so much.

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