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Yeah sure, let me check with my members to see if we have no plans first.

Okay :)

Taehyung made his way back to the kitchen, were Jin and J-Hope were trying to get some food into Jungkook. The poor kid was dealing with his first hangover, and he didn't seem to be enjoying it. He continued into the lounge to find Namjoon, and found him and Jimin watching a K-drama. "Namjoon hyung, are we scheduled to do anything today?" "No, why?" Taehyung had to think of an answer. It wasn't that he didn't trust his hyungs, but he didn't want to make something out of nothing. "I was thinking of going for a walk in the city today." It wasn't technically a lie, but Namjoon replied "Oh good, we could all get out after last night," as he got up to gather the others, Taehyung said "I meant alone, I'll only be there for a short while, I wouldn't want to drag you guys along for nothing." Namjoon gave him a confused look, then decided to go back to watching TV. Jimin gave him an odd look, then did the same. 

I'm free today.

That's great! Meet me at Starbucks?

I'm on my way.

Taehyung grabbed his hoodie, some cash, a mask and his phone, said goodbye the group and made his way to the coffee shop where he'd agreed to meet Joy. He was both excited and nervous, as he'd never actually been on a date with a girl if you could call it a date. He wasn't sure what to say, how to act, and was overall confused. He crossed the street to get to the store, and he saw Joy sat down at a table through the window. She looked so pretty, her hair up in a bun, very little makeup on, with a black jacket and a skirt. She had already ordered her drink, and was seemingly waiting for Taehyung to arrive.

He walked through the door, and Joy turned to see if it was him, and he was met with a smile. He ordered a caramel latte, and sat down in the seat opposite her. "Hey there." "Hey." She stared intensely at him, which made him slightly nervous. "So, did you enjoy last night?" She continued to hold her gaze before replying, "Yes, it was a good night. My friends freaked out a bit when I went outside, but they were just happy I was safe, did you?" "I did yeah, although I'm fairly certain that my friend Jungkook isn't enjoying this morning. It was his first night out." "I remember my first night out... It was messy!" She laughed, and Taehyung thought it was adorable. He enjoyed watching her laugh, it was such a happy sight. "So, you said you had to talk to your members? Are you in a group?" "Um, just a small time group, we do some underground stuff." He hated lying, but he wasn't quite ready for her to know he was an idol. "Ah I see, well I hope you continue to do well." There was a moment of silence, both wondering what to say to each other. 

They met only yesterday, and Taehyung had so many questions, but no words came out. He didn't understand this feeling, unsure of how to react to it. "So," Joy began, "I was wondering if you wanted to maybe go and do something soon. I know today we got coffee, but maybe we could go out somewhere?" She was talking about a date. An actual date. Taehyung tried to hide is excitement, and replied happily "Yes, I would like that a lot." Joy smiled, "Good. Let's plan a day to meet?" They agreed to see what days they were both free over the next to weeks, and they would make a plan from there. 

As they got up to leave, they both went to grab the same cup, and their hands touched. They both looked into each others eyes, and Taehyung felt something. Something he'd never felt before, a warm, homely feeling that made him want to hold on longer. They let go of each others hands, and smiled awkwardly, as they exited the shop. They embraced briefly, saying goodbye. Joy turned to walk away, but hesitated for just a moment. She then turned back to Taehyung, and kissed him gently on the cheek, before saying one final goodbye and departing. She wouldn't know it then, but that was the happiest he had been in his life, and the whole walk back to his dorm, he had a smile on his face.


3 chapters in one day? I definitely earned a pizza... Taehyung and Joy's first date will be the focus of the next chapter, so lets hope you guys are ready ;) hope you're enjoying the story so far!

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