it's been a little over a week now, and i already know this was the right choice.
i went to his house the other day, Tuesday. originally i was never supposed to be there, but wrong times and early arrivals led to a 45 minute period of awkwardness & fun.
he has 2 dogs, who are both rather old but altogether cute. after walking through the door I met his younger sister, who I could tell approved of me. Thank God.
after almost an hour of listening to music, talking, and drawing, we go to a concert.
this past week has been such a good one. whenever we call it's for hours and it hurts when it has to end.
I believe, readers, I'm falling in love.
I love it, i love all of these feelings.
i wish we could be older, maybe a year or two, though. then we could go to all sorts of places and hangout almost all the time.
it's 6:39,
and all i want right now is to be next to you.