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i want nothing more than to be next to you right now. you said you were going to shower, and now I'm missing you more than ever.

I miss hearing your steady breathing because you're asleep, I miss hearing you laugh quietly at a stupid joke I said.

I want so badly to hold you, I miss your familiar warmth. I miss your tight grip on my hand.

I miss the way you look at me, your deep brown eyes staring almost into my soul, delving and searching for everything in one look. I always win our little "staring contest" things, and it makes you flustered and your cheeks tint pink.

You smile and look down once I call you cute, which just makes you even cuter. I wanna hug you so bad, we haven't had a real proper long hug in so long.

I can't wait for tomorrow, even though I haven't the slightest what I'm going to wear. I can't wait to sit in the car next to you, holding your hand and exchanging looks because we both know what we want. I can't wait to stand with you, waiting for the doors to open so we can go in. I can't wait to get food and drinks, which hopefully are good. I can't wait to dance with you, to slow dance especially. I can't wait to sing along to a song I know while you look at me with that cute expression.

I'm going to be completely comfortable around you by tomorrow. No boundaries, no walls. Only us. (And the people around us, but they don't matter)

I can't wait to find a mostly secret place so we can have the moment we both want.

I can't help but admire you whenever I see you. I glance in the middle of our classes and your working face is so serious and focused it's seriously attractive. But once you catch me staring you smile and it makes butterflies appear in my stomach.

I'm so glad I met you, I don't know how I would've survived without you. You've helped me mature, grow, and have been the best part of my life, regardless of the bumps, these past 7 months.

I want to experience so much with you. I'm so in love with you, it's bad.

You care so much about me, you make sure I eat and eat enough, you make sure I'm comfortable, you warm me up when I'm cold.

I care so much about you too, though; I constantly worry if you've eaten enough, if you've taken your medication, and if you make even the slightest difference in your expression I fear I did something wrong, when in reality it's just you thinking about something entirely different.

I could write so much more, I probably will later on, but for now I think this is good enough. It's 12:22 am, you're still in the shower, and you claimed it wouldn't take very long. Hmm.. I hope so, I'm getting lonely even though I talked to you twenty minutes ago.

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