Chapter 10

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Grace's Pov

It's strange that Hobi haven't text me for 3 days straight. He's probably busy.. yeah.
A few moments later......
CallerID Hobi💓
Hobi- Hey babe.
Me-Hey, what's up?
Hobi-Can we meet up at Starbucks??
Me-Sure. See you at 12?
Hobi-Okay. Bye
Call ended.

It's strange that he doesn't text me and now he wants to meet up. I have a bad feeling about this. I gotta get ready, it's already 11:20.

I finished taking my shower and I changed into a black crop top and a white skirt. I put on some light makeup and got out of house.
I walked to Starbucks since it's just a few blocks away. When I reached there I saw Hobi sitting at a table waving at me. I smile and got in.
"Hey Hobi." I said.
"Hey babe. What do you want to drink?" He asked.
"Just black coffee. Thanks." I said.
He went and bought us coffee.
5 minutes later, he came back with two coffee in his hands. He gave me my coffee and I thanked him again.
"So why do you wanna met up?" I asked.
"Oh yea. Umm, my ex came back and she asked me to go back to her." Hobi said.
"What?!" I shouted. Everyone looked at me.
"I told her that Im already with someone and she said that she'll do something bad to you if I don't get back together with her." He said.
"I don't give a shit!" I said angrily.
"By the way, what's her name?" I asked.
"Jessica." A female sound spoke behind me.
"What the fuck are you doing here?!" Hobi asked.
"Didn't I told you that I'll hurt any girl who is close to you?" She smirked.
"Well, well, well. If it isn't the slut who seduced my boyfriend *cough cough* I mean ex boyfriend." I said.
She look at me like she was going to kill me.
Ugh! I feel like punching her face.
"Well, you're a whore and no one likes you. I don't even know why Hoseok here dates someone like you." She laughed.
I was so angry and was out of my limit.
I pulled her out of Starbucks and brought her to a dark alley. I began punching her, slapping her and kicking her. "Don't even try to take Hoseok away from me. I don't care if you're his ex girlfriend, you're just a waste of time." I said. I kicked her on last time before walking away. "You'll regret this, Grace. I'll kill everyone you love and take Hoseok away from you." She whispered.
That slut really doesn't know who I am.
I cracked my knuckles and went to find Hobi.
I saw Hobi waiting outside of his car.
I walked toward him and tapped his shoulder. "Did Jessica do anything to you??" He asked worried. "Nope and I took care of her." I said. "You killed her?!" Hobi eyes widen. "Relax. I didn't kill her. I just beat her up and left her back there." I replied.

Guys!!!! I have a new book and the title is Friends With Gangsters / Bts FF. Thank you guys for your support. army24-7 I kept my promise😙
Love yaaaa💓

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