Chapter 13

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Grace's Pov

I'm finally out of the hospital!! I'm so happy at the fact that Janice and Jungkook are officially dating. I ship them so much!!
Suddenly, I noticed that I have school tomorrow. Why, why, why?!!!

Caller ID Janice❤🐽
Janice: Hey. Do you wanna hangout later? Susan and the boys are coming.
Me: Sure.
Janice: Meet us at the mall by 1:30. If you're late, you'll treat us lunch. Kekeke~
Me: Ugh, finee.
Janice: Bye see you later, xx.
Me: Bye.
Call ended.

I look at the time, oh god it's already 1:00. Fuck you Janice.
I quickly changed into a white crop top and a pair of sky blue skirt and did my makeup.
I walked to the mall and found Janice, Susan and the boys waiting for me at the entrance.

"Looks like you'll treat us lunch." Janice smirked. "Nope. Look at the time, it's 1:28. I'm still early." I smirked back at her.
Janice frowned. "Okay okay. Let's stop wasting time." I said.
I walked towards Hobi and intertwined our hands. "Hey babe~" Hobi said.
"Hey baby." He smiled.

We went into Gucci because Tae wanted to buy something. I swear if he ever has a girlfriend, she should stop him from going into that shop. He came out with 3 paper bags in his hands. "Wtf did you buy?!" I asked. "I bought 1 pair of sneakers, 1 sweater, 2 bags and a watch." He said. "How much did you spend on them?" I asked. "$362,795" He answered. "Oh man holy shit!" Jungkook said. I chocked on my own saliva and Hobi patted my back. "You should get use to this." Hobi said. "Next time when we hangout, I'll remind you not to bring Tae along." I said. "Whyyy??? Bwi sad." Tae whined.
"Then control on your budget young man." I said. "Fine." Tae said. I showed him a thumbs up.

After that, we went into Adidas. I bought and jumpsuit, a pair of NMDs and a jacket. That cost me $1,975 and it's already a big amount for me but how can Tae spend up to $362,795 and act like it's a small amount. I really don't get him.

We went to a food court and ate our lunch. Me and Hobi ordered a set of kimchi soup and rice. We both shared.

After eating, we went to the boys' house. Jin decided that we should sleepover there and go to school together tomorrow. Me, Janice and Susan agreed. I went back to my house and packed a pair of pyjamas, my school uniform and my books for tomorrow.

I went to their house and Hobi hugged me. "Get a room love birds!" Suga said. Me and Hobi just glared at him.
"You'll be sleeping in my room tonight." Hobi said. "Oh okay." I replied. I set my things in Hobi's room and went to change my pyjamas.

I went down and saw everyone in their pjs sitting in a circle. I ran towards them and sit between Hobi and Susan.
"Guys, let's play truth or dare!" Rap Monster said. "Okay~" We all chirped.

"I'll start." Susan said.
"Jimin, truth or dare?" Susan asked.
"Dare!" Jimin said fearless.
"Go in front of the neighbors house and knock on the door and run away." Susan said.
"Psh, that's easy!" Said Jimin.
Jimin's dare was complete.
"Tae, truth or dare?" Jimin asked.
"Truth." Tae said.
"Do you like anyone and who is it?" Jimin asked.
"Yes. I like myself." Tae said.
We all burst out laughing.

After a few more rounds of playing we decided to go to sleep.
Me and Hobi in one room.
Janice and Jungkook in one room.
Susan and Jimin in one room. I think there's something going on between those two.
Jin and Rap Monster in on room.
Suga and Tae in one room.

I plopped in Hobi's bed and covered myself in the blanket. Hobi got in beside me and wrapped his arm around my waist. He kissed my forehead, I cuddled against his chest and played with his hair and fell alseep.

Hello armies. Hope u like this episode. Go check out my friend's book too army24-7 . She writes great fanfics. Remember to vote for my book. Thank you👍🏻❤

Love u guys✔️😙

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