Chapter 1

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Grace's Pov

"Grace, wake up!!! School starts in 30 minutes!" My mom shouted from the kitchen.
I immediately bounce out off bed and went to the bathroom. Few minutes later, I ran downstairs and out of my house. I didn't bother having breakfast.
I look on my phone, it's 7:50. School starts at 8:00, I quickly ran until I bumped into someone.
"Ah! I'm so sorry." I gasped. "Move out my way!" He said with an annoying tone.

Suddenly I noticed that I'm already late. I quickly ran through the school gates and to my class. I knocked on the door and the whole class was staring at me.
I stood there for a couple of seconds until the teacher noticed me. "Ms Teoh, why are you late?" Mr Lee asked me. "I'm sorry sir, it won't happen again." I said bowing at him.
"I'll let you pass this time." He said "Thank you, sir" I said happily.
I sat beside my friend Janice. "Why were you late?" She asked. "I overslept." I chuckled.

Class went by fast, and now it's break time.

I meet up with my best friends Janice and Susan. We went and have lunch together. It was perfectly fine until the queenka, Mina came and pour some water on my head. "Don't mess with me." She said in a bitchy way. "Bitch, I didn't even mess with you, if you mess with me and my friends again, you'll regret it!" I shoot back at her. "Ooh, I'm scared!" She said sarcastically. "Ugh, I hate that bitch!!" I thought.
"Guys, we need figure out a plan to make Mina stop bothering us." Susan said.
Me and Janice nodded.
Guys hope you like this chapter. I'll update as soon as possible💋

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